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Hi everyone, I am looking for opinions on adhesive for breastforms. I have a pair of self adhesive size C teardrop shapes which are my daily use forms. They are getting on a bit now & the glue is getting less effective than it used to be. They are still fine in a bra but I like the feeling of going braless sometimes.
I have looked around at the various ones advertised & bought one which got a thumbs up on a youtube video but it didn't work particularly well. The big brands like Hollister seem a bit overpriced to me, in fact, some were more expensive than the forms themselves!
While looking I came across something called Walker Tape Ultra Hold which is actually sold as a wig adhesive. It is also WAY cheaper than the form adhesives I have seen. Has anyone tried this or anything similar? What do you use (if anything) any recommendations.
I appreciate this post, Sasha. I hope to take advantage of it. I'm waiting for my first adhesive for breast forms and I can't give an opinion at the moment. The self-adhesive breast forms I used in Harrisburg has already lost their magic and they can't stand without a bra. I will inform myself here and I will be able to give an opinion as soon as I try it.
Spray on adhesive from dress tech for breast forms works great for me.
I am buying a roll on adhesive. I am not planning to go braless since it says it ain't strong enough for this. I just want it to keep my breast forms in place inside the bra. It will also help with my rebels stay up stockings and some other stuff. To go braless I will use my breastplate.
I use DressTech Breast Form Adhesive. Get yourself some GooGone to remove it from the forms.
The double sided tapes from the Breast Form store, meant for use with their Gold Seal forms have always worked for me. I've never been "out in public" without my Gold Seals and the ds tape.Good for at least 24 hrs and if stuck on properly will withstand a shower.
They wont give you the "overall attached" feel of adhesive, but then (ahem) if you need "access to your real nipples"...
I had a pair of Transform forms with the adhesive pads. But I found the pads wore out after a whileand at A$70.00 a pair I was soon on the way to being able to afford another pair of Goldseals.
Happy dressing
Hi Sasha,
I've never bought anything other than the DS tapes, plus the Skintac wipes to activate them. So I cant do a comparison
Are they expensive for you 'cos they come in such large quan"tit", ies??... (Sorry, could not resist that one)
I gus it coms down to "you pays your money you takes your choice"