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The wife, kids and I took a trip this weekend down to visit my grandmother. We had seen her in a few years. She knew about Charlotte, but had never seen her. So, on Friday, I drove us down there fully dressed. She was surprised but also accepted it without question. She had no problem going out to the store and restaurant with me fully dressed. Later on my "mother" came over and she also had no problem with me dressing. My half-sister was like wow and was jealous because she said I made a prettier girl than her. My grandmother was really curious about my boobs, so, I had to show her. She didn't know how to react at first and had no idea they made stuff like that. I had to explain that the ones I have now aren't even the "good" ones. She was shocked when I told her that the good custom made ones can run well over $500 dollars depending on what you get.
The next day, my aunt came over to grandma's house while we still there. When she walked in she was surprised (she had no warning and didn't even know about Charlotte), but also very accepting and was shocked on how I looked better femme than I did male. And today, before we drove back home, my cousin was at grandma's house and she was surprised also. I thought grandma had warned her, but she hadn't and was very accepting of my choice. She did ask me what exactly brought about the change and how long ago did I start. I told her that I don't know the exact reason, but in the end it is better for my mental health and how I was on a slow spiral to depression when I accepted this side of me. And now, I'm much happier and easy going and no longer have panic attacks for just being in a store. That was good enough for her and we continued catching up and even had a little girl talk.
The best parts of the weekend was being called ma'am at Sonic, being told I had nice legs by a random guy while I was at a convenient store, and being called she by an older lady who needed help getting something off the grocery store shelf.
The only thing that annoyed me was that my half sister made a comment about if this means I'm into guys or not. So, I only replied with, "What is it to you if me and Kat (my wife) share another man in the bedroom? What we do is private between us." She smartly dropped that line of questioning. FYI, never happening. My wife doesn't share and won't ever share.
But overall, I nice validating weekend for me. It was nice to spend the whole weekend fully dressed with no judgments.
What a great weekend Charlotte. I know it must have been both exhilirating and validation for you. Sounds like Charlotte will be a lot more visible in the future.
An unsolicited comment? We all need to be more tolerant of seemingly rude comments (well, I think from my sister I have a pretty short fuse). Ignorance often breeds contempt - so be patient with questions that seem offensive (well, are offensive) and not be defensive. There are cross roads and sometimes we get to them and don’t know them. You already bridged the hard part. Charlotte knows so well. Many will have comments. Bite your tongue (till it bleeds) and give her food for thought. It may take her awhile....but it is foreign to her (or, perhaps not). You never know.
Beautiful weekend and truly enjoyed reading this. What a wonderful family and must be proud. Happy journeys ahead. 🌹
Thanks for sharing this Charlotte, what a lovely and uplifting weekend. I am sure many of us would dream of something like this.
Jessica x.
I can feel the tears of joy!
How lovely, Charlotte - and I agree, people don't understand why we are this way, so we must be patient and kind with them. Expect annoying and even insulting questions - and be prepared with nice, humorous answers, if you can.
Show everyone how special we are by treating them as important and entertaining, not rude and insulting!
Love Laura