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A very Unexpected Present

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Joined: 4 years ago

My wife, though fully supportive, never buys me Cerys presents. Maybe a pair of earrings, but as a rule I never receive skirts, dresses etc....
I own a Sinclair C5, a small electric vehicle from 1985. It's one of my cherished posesions (Google it, if you don't know it). I visit many shows/ steam rallies and vintage fairs exhibiting the C5. I often attend these shows as Cerys. I'm always on at my wife about suitable "rally field wear" for these shows. Short skirts and C5s don't really go together as one's modesty is hard to control.

With this in mind, my wonderful wife, managed to get hold of a skirt with the C5 patterned all over it. She won't tell me where she got it from, but she says she bought it for me to wear on the rally field!!!!!!

It is short, so I will still need to wear either tights or "safe" underwear with it but it's the perfect gift for the crossdressing C5 owner..... This is also the first time she has ever bought clothing as a present for Cerys! This makes it extra special. 
I've popped a pic in my public photos. It'll be there once admin have released it into the wild 🙂 It's an awful pic of me, but I just wanted to show off the skirt 🙂


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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2192


That's great, Cerys. I mentioned in another post, my wife bought me two new dresses. First time she's bought Allie clothes too and I love it 😊.

Your pics are great. Like Angela, I wonder if it's an authentic marketing item or more modern.

Allie x

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4015

@dazzler No C5 owner should be without one!

Did you get your C5 before the collectors snapped them up?

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Noble Member     Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Posts: 827

@harriette I've owned it for a few years. There's a few people that record then as new. Mine was pristine when I'm bought it, but it's had a life since. Hundreds of miles and dozens of shows. I love it. 


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Prominent Member     London, Middlesex, United Kingdom
Posts: 362

@dazzler yayyy love this present and it's a gorgeous picture of you btw your smile says it all ! Your wife has made you so happy and I adore her for that ! Bet u cannot wait to wear it xx

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1828

@dazzler What a great find.


Anna xx

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Cerys -

How wonderful that your wife did that for you. I'm sure you'll be a hit at your rallies. My wife got Suzanne a dress and pajamas for Christmas which wasn't expected. It is fun to have them show their acceptance of our dressing in that way.


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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

What a gift Cerys and with thought too. I am sure they do T shirts as they do for most things, but a skirt?? If they were produced they must be as rare as C5 rain canopies! I wonder if it was a bespoke piece as with printing techniques now anything is possible but who cares she is obviously a wonderful lady.




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(@Anonymous 99924)
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Joined: 2 months ago

That is great Cerys , it is always special when our SO do things like this for us. Happy for you.



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