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Christmas Day was wonderful.
It started when we opened presents and Suzanne was gifted with a new light blue paisley print dress, a pair of light green butterfly pattern pj's, a lingerie laundry bag and a face mask kit for facials. In the afternoon my wife and I dressed for the day - I wore black cotton panties, body shaper, red dress with snowflake pattern, faux white fur collar and cuffs, full make up, wig, pearl necklace, bracelet and ring along with small red Christmas tree light bulb earrings and red sandals. My wife wore a similar dress in green with small green Christmas tree bulb earrings. It was lovely spending the day dressed together and enjoying a lobster tail dinner.
I hope we can spend more days together with me being able to dress. Will have to see what he New Year brings.
What a delightful way to spend Christmas day Suzanne and what lovely gifts.
Hi Suzanne sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas day, getting to dress all day with your wife must have been great,
Hugs and best wishes for the new year Roz X
Suzanne, glad you had a great Christmas. It is always nice when we receive little surprises.
Wife also surprised me with a new outfit and then glammed me up. loved it.
My Christmas Day was spent on my own, with no gifts. But it was my first as Fiona , and I was very happy about that 😊
I had a lovely feminine day which started with moisturiser, then getting into full make-up for the first time in ages, then into my outfit. I wore the dangly gold earrings my aunt gave me, and the necklace, and a spritz or two of perfume.
Of course, there were some photos before I got down to the business of cooking, eating (and later, washing-up) ... but not before the bottle of Prosecco had been opened! 🍾
All came together nicely with the dinner, to my surprise. I sat down to the King's Speech and then watched various other bits of telly through the evening, as I grazed on various nice bits & bobs until I was completely done 🙂 It was a very happy girl who eventually took off her makeup, put on her nightie and snuggled into her bed 🤗
Happy for you it looks like you had a great Christmas.