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A Year in the Life

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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

<p lang="en">One year ago today, I joined Crossdresser Heaven. At the time, I was coming back after a potentially fatal illness and had recently resumed cross dressing after a decades long absence. I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't want to be alone in my endeavors to embrace my feminine side, either.</p>
<p lang="en">I couldn't believe how warm and welcoming this community was. These were people just like me, who felt the same feelings and endured the same emotions. It changed my life and I not only loved sharing my experiences with others, but I also enjoyed reading those of others as well.</p>
<p lang="en">Then, something I never saw coming happened. A woman I had met and fallen for as a teenager, suddenly reappeared out of nowhere. Back in the early 1980's, we met on a blind date, and over time developed deep feelings for one another, and grew to trust each other in ways we couldn't trust anyone else. We opened up and revealed our deepest feelings and secrets to one another, over the phone and in a constant exchange of letters. But at the time, we were separated by significant geographical distance and an international border. The reality was, we weren't going to get the chance at a steady relationship at that age, but we were literally soul mates. Weekly letters and phone calls continued for a while, but we had to get on with our lives in our own realms.</p>
<p lang="en">There's actually quite a story behind how we lost contact, but that's for a romance website. When we reconnected in October of last year, those intense feelings rekindled immediately. As did the trust and soulmate type bond we shared as teenagers. Which is why I told her right from the get-go that I had been crossdressing, and why. She didn't judge me one bit. In fact, she wanted to know more. How wonderful that she could accept me the way I was. Of course now, we were in a position where we could see each other with some degree of regularity, and we had the technology to video chat whenever we wanted. If only we had the technology to communicate with our younger selves, life would have been very different.</p>
<p lang="en">Then, something else I never saw coming happened. She eminated breathtaking natural femininity - the likes of which I hadn't seen in decades in the USA. The entire fabric of my desire to crossdress was rooted in the complete void of femininity in my life and in society. She wasn't trying to be a man, or to outshine me, or intimidate me, or anything. She found me to be a handsome, confident, sexy man that she had hever stopped loving from the time she was 14 years old. My desire to slip on a baby doll or bralette or camisole every night began to wane. We talked about it all the time because we COULD talk about it, without reservation. Never once did she suggest that I needed to stop or that she was turned off by it. She just loved me, and that was all that mattered. That's all that will ever matter.</p>
<p lang="en">This amazing woman has strengthened my faith that femininity still exists in its intended gender. Just as all of YOU have restored my faith over the past year. You are all so beautiful and caring. In male mode, I'd be the first to ask any of you to dance. In CharChar mode, I'd be the first to cry on your shoulder or ask for sisterly advice.</p>
<p lang="en">We're just a few weeks short of a year since we reunited. I still have all Charmagne's clothing and I will NEVER purge. And my soulmate is okay with that. She knows it will always be a part of me. But I am dressing less often, because I feel her incredible feminine aura every time we text, or chat, or video, or hold hands when we go for a walk when I visit her. She has full knowledge of my unusual family circumstances, and has told me that she'd jump at the chance to marry me once those unusual circumstances have run their course to completion.</p>
<p lang="en">So what does this all mean for CharChar? It means that she dresses less often but always cherishes her feminine side. She logs into CDH every day to read about and share life's experiences with the most amazing ladies imaginable. You've made this such a wonderful year and have helped me grow. And I am grateful beyond words.</p>
<p lang="en">Love and hugs, CharChar  <3</p>

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Congratulations, Charmaine on your anniversary and finding your soulmate again.  I love happy endings.  I hope for you and her the bond continues to grow between you and her, what a great romantic story.  You are right about CDH, a great community of wonderful, encouraging ladies.

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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Now if I could just figure out how to get rid of the HTML tags.  That's what I get for writing it in WordPad.

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And I should have re read my message to Charmagne and not let it default to spell check, sorry about that.

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Famed Member     South Western Ontario, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

You are very lucky to have been reconnected with such a special person. Whether your dressing will grow or wane, no one can tell, but at least you have an a beautiful and accepting person to share it with.


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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Charmagne

Happy one year, and happier still to a good life! I don't know where you'll find time for writing that wonderful romance novel. In my time on this site you've been one of those who provides the positive continuity that I truly appreciate. Life is ever changing with us just along for the ride, learning and moving forward hopefully. You are doing that and continue to help others along the way. As I've said before

Thank you for sharing, thank for caring, and thank you so much for "so what are you wearing" lol. Cheers, to the future.


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Reputable Member     Alberta, Canada
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Thanks for sharing your beautiful story. I'm so happy for you and hope you and your soulmate have a long and happy life together.



Posts: 271
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Reputable Member     Buffalo, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I actually wouldn’t mind writing romance novels.  Perhaps when I retire.  Maybe my soulmate and I could write them together.  <3

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Estimable Member     United Kingdom
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Charmagne,

What a lovely story. Honey, I am so happy for you. Hope you both have many happy years together. And congrats on your first year with CDH. Have loved reading your posts here on this wonderful site. Loads of love and hugs to you both xx


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