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Accidentally found out

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Trusted Member     United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I was a closet cross dresser.  My now ex-wife and I used to live in a house and I had my own office (with a lock) so that I could dress in private.

well we moved to an apartment and I needed to purge. When my wife and I were talking divorce and she was “going away with a friend” I decided to order some stuff from Amazon.

well, I moved from the apt and got my own place and spent a couple of hundred dollars on bras, panties, various lingerie and more. The only problem was my daighter was at my apt and saw my stash. I also found out that my wife had found my stash from when she was away but at least didn’t make a deal about it. 
i am embarrassed and I hope my wife and daughter don’t say anything. Did anyone else get caught either dressed or just wife found stash?

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4016

@mandygirl35 This is the risk associated with keeping a secret. Lots of CDH members have been caught or found out. Results and consequences vary, but the one thing that may help now is truthful, clear communication.

You didn't describe your daughter's reaction or how she found out, so we have no way to know how to comment or advise you beyond that.

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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
Posts: 827

@mandygirl35 A few years ago I was forced to tell my wife.. wow that was tough  I know what your feeling.  all I can say is for me it was the best thing that could have happened. Something is going to change now one way or another. It may just be how you look at things.  it could also be wonderful.  I hope all that happens next is the best possible scenario for you.  Regards RC

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

A nightmare scenario for quite a few girls here as you never know how it will pan out after being caught. Perhaps it is a waiting game and see if there is any comment or after a while mention it to your daughter and see what she says. As for your wife who knows what she will do but you did mention you were talking divorce which is probably the worst thing as she could use it in the case, which I am sure you have thought of.  Best to think ahead and prepare for any eventuality. 

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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She is now your ex, so so what if she now knows. As for your daughter, just talk to her, she knows, and I suspects if fine with it as most younger people are fine with such things.

As for finding out, my wife has always known so it was never an issue. My daughters probably know, at least to.a certain degree as they have always seen my shaved legs and no doubt notice my subtle daily wear nail polish.

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New Member     Medford, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Getting caught for me was life changing. I now live a housewife type life, taking care of my wife and two teenage step kids. I dress mildly when the kids are around and fully when they’re not. I serve my wife (she’s the man of the house) and do most of the housework, including the kids’ rooms and clothes. 
it’s a win-win-win. 
This is after 2 divorces (both partly because I wasn’t “man” enough). Good riddance.  
My stepdaughter and I shop for dresses, makeup and other things together. 


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