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After 60 years of secretly Crossdressing secretly

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Active Member     Dubuque, Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

It is really quite a feeling to tell someone you cross dress. Particularly when you know them for 40 years and you never mentioned it Dah. Well my wife of 32 years had died and I was at Beauty shop who had cut my hair for years. I knew she helped in theatre and I told her I cross dressed and showed her a picture she said I looked good. I had moved back to my home and was feeling closed windows closed sneaking around crossedressed. I decided to go to my next appt for hair cut dressed the best I could as me. I walked in the door and was waiting while she was talking to someone she over no recognition and I'll be with you in a minute. I had wonderful time talking to her and sharing pictures. From then I decided I would try to stop hiding and from then on the adventures began. I decided that if I was going to go outside dressed I would do it in the daytime safer. The surprising part was nobody said a thing they just treated me as the woman I portrayed. I didn't try to change my voice much and although I did look good when I talked I didn't but the funny thing was they didn't seem to care. I started being my self with people which I love naturally. People responded so nicely it was shocking. Recently I was at the Sub shop standing behind this nice lady with a beautiful blouse I told her and we struck up a friendly conversation. When I went to pay for sandwitch she had left enough pay for it. As scary as it seemed sharing my secret has been such a blessing. I met with my Priest and he advised me not crossdress at church and don't in front of my old golfing buddies but even with them I allow my feminine side to come out in my thoughts I Express and am moving to my friends showing how much they mean to me. LIFE IS GOOD. Use good judgement but sharing my really help you.

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Active Member     Dubuque, Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Not true use Loreal it is the long tube lip tick two that requires first color then the gel like chap stick. Draw outside your lip line to create the fuller lips the stain can be removed with baby as most make up can.

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Eminent Member     Blackstone, Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Your story is beautiful, Jamie. I have only recently discovered this wonderful new form of expression and i am brought to tears by the number of people who also share similar experiences. Your story is so motivating and i wish i could live my life as openly as you! You are precious!

Hugs, Taylor.

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Estimable Member     Mantua Township, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

That's so wonderful! I've had 2 priests tell me there was nothing intrinsically wrong with merely crossdressing. So great that you're coming out. I can't wait for the time when I can.

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Active Member     Dubuque, Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Thanks. You might be surprised people who know you may be more supportive then you think. I do not have all the answers but hiding and living secretly is very difficult and not fun. People really appreciate honesty.

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Eminent Member     charleston, South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Looks like 70s are becoming the new 50s.  I'm also 73 and wish I had your makeup skills.  You are my hero.   Gloria

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Great story Jamie and thanks for sharing.  Enjoy your new found freedom as Jamie.


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