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So I go to Ross to buy my clothes. The same lady always rings me up. She always tells me to enjoy them and smiles. I assumed she knew and it was our little secret.
Well I’m in there the other day with my wife, the lady is working. My wife went to look at the towels. As I was walking through the store she comes up to me and asks “How’s it going sweetie? Can I help you find some outfits we just got a bunch of new stuff in.” I was kinda shocked and wanted to tell her yes so bad but my wife is walking up to me as this is going on. My wife walks up and asks “Whats going on?” The lady responds “No just asking if he needed any help”. I knew she had an idea because she always rings my up, but knowing she knows for sure now makes me happy lol. I am glad my wife didn’t catch the whole conversation. She was a bit skeptical and asked about what we were talking about. I blew it off but I think she heard more than I thought. I have to be more careful…
That's awesome Sammy!
At one of the thrift stores we frequent there was a "young lady" (CD person) working there who was just gorgeous! I was always enamored with this person but it never failed, if I went to the store alone, she was not there! If my SO was with me, there she was! I had a chance to speak with her a couple of times, and tell her how beautiful I thought she was, and wish I could have stayed in touch with her. she no longer works there, but my SO saw me talking with her a couple of times and I know wondered. That was awful behavior of me I know, but she was so cute.
Close for sure and definitely a moment to remind ourselves how easy it is to slip up. As much as we think that we're always aware and careful of our actions ( at least we think so ) were only men and men do forget about details and covering all our bases. We assume were smart and never will be caught. Well don't underestimate a woman and especially a SO. They know you better than yourself and very good of detecting deceptions. For me and my long relationship I saw this even when purchasing items in the past. A fishing reel, a new tool, what ever and you thought you could fool her. Now with feminine accessories and such. Well good luck. Either you think your sneaky but I assure you she knows or at best suspects. Can't fool a cis women👀. That's why we try hard to replicate to be one. Right?
My thoughts. Stephanie 🌹
That makes a lot of sense. She did make the comment I wonder about you some times. I wish it were as easy as say hey honey I like to get dolled up like a girl. IDK I know I need to smarten up. I left this site up on my computer and when I walked in she was in kitchen. She definitely didn't see it but I'm slipping.
Does a part of you want to get caught? There are times when I feel that way. I'll surf CDH or browse some clothing sites while my spouse is in the same room. Starting the conversation in a matter of fact, it ain't no big deal, kind of way would be easier than trying to sit her down for "Honey, we need to talk."
I wonder myself would it be easier to be caught then tell. Giving an explanation vs being honest is hard. Ive been dressing my whole life and kept it a secret from everyone. It would be nice to just share it with her one day. I plan to try and dress on Halloween with her if she will go for it. I don't know if she will go for it but if she does and if she suspects I enjoy dressing as a woman Im sure she will bring it up. Scary times when thinking about telling her. As Stephanie Flowers said she probably already suspects something.
Left a half slip in the washer after I did my delicates. Wife came home and found it. Questioned if I had picked up our daughters slip by mistake while we were visiting. She probably asked it if was hers and it wasn’t. So I am not sure what to think or what she thinks. It’s never come up again.
Becky, Love the question, "does a part of you want to get caught?" A definite "yes" for me. That takes the burden of having to tell someone. That also makes it worse however.
I think that is why I dress the way I do at times.
Love and hugs,
Hi Becky and Rebekka,
About getting caught,
Very mixed emotions on this one
Sometimes I wish every body knew who I was and it was out in the open although I'm sure it would be difficult.
But I do catch myself with a I don't care who sees me more often.
Hi Sammy, one of the hardest conversations you'll ever have is when you come out to your SO. Personally, I think it is better to be honest then to be caught. I came out to my wife in a bunch of stages. While my wife is accepting she isn't overly thrilled by it and prefers that I dress when she isn't around. But it's better than being caught in a lie. Your SO might actually be thankful it isn't something she might think is worse such as you're having an affair and/or you want a divorce. Another rule I have is to never wear your SO's clothes. Be clear you wear clothes that you've bought. Coming out to your SO will get rid of so much stress. Imagine how much better your life could be!
If you think your SO will be very upset, perhaps test the waters first to gauge her reaction. For example, watch a movie or TV show together where the male character cross dresses. A comedy might be a good choice such as "Some like it Hot", or "Mrs, Doubtfire", or "Bosom Buddies". Somehow work into the conversation that cross dressing might be a fun thing to try sometime, maybe at Hallowe'en. Or get your employer to do a "cross dress" day at work. Those are starting to get popular. I did that in my job and attended a staff lunch with hundreds of staff while dressed en femme (I was the only one - it's a long story). So if you try one of these and she is totally disgusted I guess you've got your answer; but, if she goes along with it, how awesome is that?
All the Best, Hugs, Krista
So today I went shopping and bought some men Calvin Kline underwear some under shirts and socks. The underwear are more like woman underwear than men's. They are nylon and spandex they feel like woman's panties just a little bit thicker material. When I saw them I thought to my self I can get away with wearing these there men's. My wife wouldn't think anything of it. So when I come home my wife asked how was your day? You know same questions she always asks when I come home. We chat about the day a little bit and then She sees that I went shopping. She asks so what did you go guy? Not thinking I just responded, " I bought some panties and under shirts." The moment I finished my sentence I froze. I knew I messed up!! There was a brief pause by her I didn't say anything. Then she walked over to my shopping bag and looked at my underwear and then she responded and I quote "These aren't panties but hopefully now you will stop wearing mine since you've bought yourself some PANTIES." After that she walked by me and went to the living room sat down and started watching TV. I still didn't say anything I took my clothes to the room and put them away. She came in the room a few minutes later. She told me she knew I had been wearing her panties for some time. She brought a specific time where she through 2 pair away because she knew I had been wearing them. (They were my favorite panties) When she threw them away she made a point to let me know and I never thought about it. Till she just pointed it out. She didn't want to know why or how often she just asked that I not wear her panties and If I buy my own she doesn't want to know. I didn't do much talking just listen. I'm sure tomorrow will be an interesting day!!!!
Not to make light of a potential issue but I've got a supportive wife who jokingly said 2 days ago - that in terms of " lipstick in my collar " my wife knows that it'd be my lipstick 😜
"If you think your SO will be very upset, perhaps test the waters first to gauge her reaction. For example, watch a movie or TV show together where the male character cross dresses. A comedy might be a good choice such as “Some like it Hot”, or “Mrs, Doubtfire”, or “Bosom Buddies”. Somehow work into the conversation that cross dressing might be a fun thing to try sometime, maybe at Hallowe’en. "
I'm not convinced this is a good way to come out at all. Your SO may feel tricked afterwards when you do finally reveal your dressing. And, almost certainly, her reaction to you dressed up for a bit of fun or a party, or to people dressing in a film, is going to be a lot different to her reaction to you dressing 'for real'.
When I was 13 and began buying my own pantyhose, a sales lady always came over to me and offered help. She asked if I was buying the pantyhose for my mother. I wanted to tell her they were for me but I was trying to keep my little secret. She looked at what I was buying and told me that was the right size and they would fit fine. Then she took them to the register, rand them up, put them in a bag and handed them to me.
This happened often. When I would come in she would ask how mom liked the pantyhose. Was I going to buy more for her? Would I like to try a different style? She likes sheer to waist. That's what we want. How did she know my mother? How did she know what size my mother wore? She couldn't have known my mom well at all or had her mixed up with someone else. I was buying my own pantyhose because my mom's were too small for me.
It took several years for me to realize she was on to me. She knew I was buying the pantyhose for me and was saving me potential embarrassment.
When I was 17 I began wearing pantyhose out openly in feminized attire and often shopped for pantyhose dressed that way. I had become open about it. If someone noticed I was wearing pantyhose and buying pantyhose, it was a pretty safe bet they were for me.
That is one reason I never shop in the stores and stick to online...except for when my wife saw my eBay purchase history, then left me.