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Estimable Member     Detroit, Michigan, United States of America
Joined: 1 month ago

 Hi everyone,
is there a list of the acronyms used on this site? GG? Cis? etc

I joined this group last month and it’s been an overwhelmingly positive experience. I posted my first article and my first public photo and have enjoyed the wonderful feedback and ongoing conversations. The one thing that still identifies me as a newbie is my lack of knowledge of the acronyms used here. I feel a bit stupid asking but I hope that this would also benefit the other newbies.



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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Hi, Rachael, I've included a link to a thread that Ellie started, there's a lot of info there but also bookmark the online " Urban dictionary", it's great for this.

I'm still struggling with text-speak! I hope this helps.

I've also moved this to General Chat, Life as it goes on. 

Allie x

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Trusted Member     Chestertown, Maryland, United States of America
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im always learning something new on this site.

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@clt The thread Allie directed you to has a few, but it'll be a living thread. Here are a few of the more commonly used:

  • AFAB/AMAB - Assigned Female/Male At Birth: This is what the doctor put down under Sex on one's birth certificate.
  • Cis - not an abbreviation or acronym: it's a word to mean that the person identifies as the sex they were assigned at birth; cis male or cis female. Not trans. This is not related to how one presents - i.e. I identify as a cis male, but enthusiastically present as female at times.
  • GG - Genetic Girl: used commonly to indicated a person who was AFAB and perfectly content with that. On a very technical note, because XXY is a thing, GG and cis female aren't technically the same, but are often used interchangeably.
  • XXY: refers to Klinefelter syndrome, a genetic condition where a male has an extra X chromosome. it is not uncommon to find XXY individuals in the CD/TG world.
  • DADT - Don't Ask, Don't Tell: generally meaning a marital status where the wife/SO allows the partner to dress but doesn't want to know anything about it.
  • SO - Significant Other: used to group together marital spouses as well as long term partners, regardless of gender.
  • LBD - Little Black Dress: common shorthand for any knee-length (or shorter) black dress.
  • MTF - Male To Female: generally used to indicate the nature of one's transness. The direction of one's transition. FTM being Female To Male.
  • FFS - Facial Feminization Surgery: a surgical procedure some MTF people undergo to soften their facial features.
  • FF - Fully Fashioned: referring to stockings that are made from a single thread of nylon; generally a bit spendy.
  • FT - Full Time: Someone who lives their daily lives in the manner presented. As opposed to PT - Part Time.
  • HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy: the process undertaken by those wishing to transition.
  • NB - Non-Binary: not strictly identifying as male/masculine or female/feminine.
  • TG - Transgender: An umbrella term encompassing individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • TS - Transsexual: A subset of transgender individuals who have undergone or intend to undergo medical interventions, such as hormone therapy or surgery, to align their physical appearance with their gender identity.
  • TV - Transvestite: An outdated term for Crossdresser (though grammatically identical).

Hope that helps!

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Estimable Member     Detroit, Michigan, United States of America
Posts: 64

@melodeescarlet thank you for putting this together. It definitely helps!



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Prominent Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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@melodeescarlet   Thanks, Melodee, I learned a few acronyms I didn't know.  Just goes to show that no matter how long you've been CDing, there's always something new to learn.

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Prominent Member     SoCal, California, United States of America
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I just write the word, much easier....  But that's me...  Staci...

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Estimable Member     Detroit, Michigan, United States of America
Posts: 64

@sf lol !


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