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Another milestone reached

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Today, my wife and I went proper shopping with me en femme. We had done it before but she wasn't ready then, this time she was, in fact it was her suggestion. We looked at girly things -- jewellery, trinkets, clothes, makeup -- went to a bookshop and then Marks and Spencers food store for stuff for dinner tonight. She said she really enjoyed her first outing with me so I think we will be ok for future events -- including a previously-mentioned trip to see Everybody's Talking About Jamie -- en femme. If I was clocked by anyone, I didn't see them do it and didn't care if they had really. All told, a decent day out and another milestone reached.

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I LOVE posts like this.

Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart  

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@rebeccabaxter What a wonderful step forward. It's great that you both enjoyed it so much. I am sure you will able to look forward to many future outings now.

We have been into our M&S Food Hall many times together over the years, but now with me en femme for the last 6 - 9 months. We had often chatted with some of the staff over the years. When I started going en femme I don't think they quite knew what to make of it, but more recently they have started opening up to me again, greeting me and starting to chat more. The staff knew, of course, that I was crossdressed, so there was no concern on my part about being clocked by them ... but it might be that other customers (some of them regulars who tended to there the same time as us) may or may not have caught on.

As crossdressers we might sometimes be fearful about being clocked, but why the £$%^ should we worry? But I am beginning to wonder if some of those who see us get fearful about how they should react to us! 

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Estimable Member     Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 90

@rebeccabaxter Wow, that's brilliant!  The  sky's the limit now that your wife is onboard and enjoying the experience ❤️

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
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Marvellous, Rebecca, and what is so extra special is that it was your wife's initiative. Bonus that she - and you - had a great time together!

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1443

@rebeccabaxter Excellent news hon, I'm so pleased for you 🙂  The support of your wife is wonderful, I bet you're glad you waited to go out properly until she was really ready.  It's really encouraging about the nonchalant attitude of the general public, I presume that includes any shop assistants etc. that you dealt with. 

Tomorrow being my weekly full Fiona day, if I get the time, I'm going to have to go out again.  There are some shoes in my size on eBay that it turns out, are being sold by one of the charity shops in town.  Fiona might just have to pay a visit at lunchtime to check them out 🙂

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@finallyfiona Ignore the weather and go for it Fiona 😀. You know you want to!! Let us know how you get on.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1443

Posted by: @finallyfiona

There are some shoes in my size on eBay that it turns out, are being sold by one of the charity shops in town.  Fiona might just have to pay a visit at lunchtime to check them out 🙂

Posted by: @fembecky

Ignore the weather and go for it Fiona 😀. You know you want to!! Let us know how you get on.

@fembecky Well, I'm very pleased to say, I did it! 😊

I'm not long back from a walk all the way into town and back, where I got to engage with people and have conversations, all completely en femme.  I'm going to write a thread with the full story later on and sort out posting another photo or two, but suffice to say, I am one happy girl this afternoon 😀.

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 596

@finallyfiona Wonderful. Congratulations Fiona, I bet you are really glad you did it. I am so happy for you. And how long ago was it that you took the first tentative steps outside? It's surprising how quickly things can move forward 😀 .

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1443

@fembecky Glad isn't the half of it, I'm absolutely elated 😊.  It's like I've got the freedom to be Fiona anywhere now. 

I've just checked back through some old posts and it's only been two months since I first opened the front door to the postman en femme, six weeks since I went for a walk in the dark, and a month since my first walk by daylight.  I honestly didn't ever imagine it was all going to happen that quickly.  The timescale has a lot to do with the support of all the wonderful girls on here.


Duchess Annual
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Reputable Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 185

@finallyfiona great to hear Fiona, you should be a happy girl. Congratulations!

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1277

@finallyfiona I find shop assistants are the best usually, let's face it, I expect they have to deal with worse things than a man in a dress -- drunks, druggies, shop lifters, et al.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2147


So happy or the both of you, Becca. I really wish more SO's would give their spouses a chance, they might find a new girlfriend to go shopping etc.


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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2154

@rebeccabaxter Sounds great, Becca, you must be so chuffed 😊

Look forward to reading your full account of the day.

Allie x

Duchess Annual
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Reputable Member     Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 185

@rebeccabaxter great for both of you Rebecca, a testimony that patience pays off. I am still waiting for that invitation from my spouse, someday maybe.

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Famed Member     DC/Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
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Good for you! I agree, the attitude to being clocked is, "whutevaaaaaa". 😉

Really glad you both had a good time!

Posts: 209
Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Rebecca sounds like you had a great day. Very jealous of you, for me that would not happen. I have to be careful just stepping out of the house. SO is ok with dressing, but not outside. 

Feeling a little feme today.


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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1277


We did have a good time.

Once we are out and away from here it is OK, but for me too it is about stepping just outside the house as I have to get to my car without the neighbours seeing me as we live in an intimate village where my cross-dressing might be a bit of a liability. I have no doubt that one day, someone I know will see me even in the city and the secret will be out and I can stop sneaking around locally. There will be some fallout but in the end, these people don't really matter to me and they can think [almost] what they like.

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 209


Rebecca, you are so correct. I am old enough to not give a .... People do not matter.

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Congratulations, I am glad you had a nice time.

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Topic starter
    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Thanks for all your encouraging responses, it was great fun to be out and about again but this time with my SO.

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Awesome, always great to have the support and participation from your wife

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

What a wonderful trip with an accepting wife. Love this Rebecca and an inspiration to others.

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Topic starter
    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

I have to add to this thread as my wife and I have done it again. This time we went to Sainsbury's supermarket today and did some of the weekly shopping with me en femme.

This time, I used the ladies toilets and even brushed my hair in front of the mirror in there. On the way out I held the door for a young lady coming in and she didn't give me a second glance, just said thank you. We are both getting so much more confident with going out and the next planned outing is to the theatre next Thursday, lots of close-up encounters with people there but my concerns and nervousness are less before I go out and completely evaporated once on the way. So far, so good.

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1443

@rebeccabaxter That's great news hon 🙂  I might get my first go in the ladies' loos tomorrow, I'm planning to be out well away from home for several hours.


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