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Hello Ladies,
Just another update on my shopping experience. I took the advice of some of you and departed my home area and went to another town for my shopping. I picked up some nylons and lipstick (small items I know). This is so exciting for me. I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable.
I know these are only small items but for me this is big steps. I'm finally going out there and getting Katey her lady needs. Soon I will be moving up to Bras and more undies.
Thank you to all of you for supporting me. I truly love CDH. BIG HUGS Katey
It's an amazing experience! To be out and shopping. Its what I live for!!
Small steps lead to giant leaps! I remember my first real time out dressed. I was shaking in my panties but soon realized no one noticed or cared. They are in their own little world and barely have time for themselves much less me. I started slowly just like you but now going out is like breathing, it just happens.
I agree crawl walk run. I wasn’t dressed, I’m not that confident yet, someday I will be. Hugs Katey
Hi Lanna,
I love shopping just a nervous wreck while doing it haha. I wasn’t dressed as Katey I’m not confident yet. Everyone here has been so supportive. Hugs Katey
It sure is a great feeling. Hugs Katey
Katey I’ve so far done all my shopping online, but I need to do like you and go somewhere local, so I don’t have to wait for days for the stuff to arrive!
Good job!
Thank you. I’m so nervous when I go but I’m going for Katey that’s how much she means to me. I’m way out of my comfort zone but she deserves it.
Katey you said “but I’m going for Katey that’s how much she means to me”
Wow, that’s a powerful statement, with that proper attitude we can conquer any fear!
thank you..
Fear is a big foe but we have numbers we can defeat fear. Thank you, Hugs Katey
Hi Katey,
Congratulations for stepping out of your comfort zone and going shopping in person! Small steps for sure but you are building confidence.
Hi Alice,
Thank you for replying. Katey is my world and I try to good for her. Hugs Katey
Hi Katey,
Confidence comes with time. It took me a while to gain it. But, once you have it there's no stopping. I shop locally now and no one even bats an eye. I'm treated like on of the girls! It's an exhilarating experience to say the least. Glad to see your starting with small steps. The big ones are not far away.
Love and hugs,
Thank you Lanna,
Thank you for your support. Someday I will be shopping with confidence. Thank you again. Hugs - Katey
Small steps Katey small steps, one day at a time soon the steps will get bigger your confidence will grow and you will wonder what all the fuss was about this is the 21st century not the 1950's people are more tolerant now xxxxx
Hugs Rozalyne x