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Another week and half as Vicky

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Eminent Member     Helsinki, Finland
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I got another week and half home alone.

Just like in my intro back in November, the first 1-2 days are quite hectic and stressed up with bad sleep but after that the calm is coming. The calm is where I keep the same clothes the whole day rather than changing every 1/2 hour. I let the makeup session take an extra 20-30min in the morning with preparation of skin to then get the layers needed for a visual to last until the evening. Clothing is mix of casual and yet clearly feminine. Selection of earrings and bracelets are done as the last step. All very much like my wife is doing. This is my moment of peace. 

Fun thing I notice are change of habits. I sleep in a different position, more on my side and to accommodate for my breasts. I eat smaller portions. It's enough with one glas of wine. I'm better at cleaning up. I feel naked without makeup and without nail polish. It feels wrong if my breasts are not attached, like a need of feeling them as part of my body. And now after four days I do no longer think of my breasts or the earrings swinging - it's just all natural.

Working dressed up is going quite well. I find myself every so often inspecting my nails. When thinking I often end up twisting an earring. 

Guess I'm getting to be part of the girlhood as I had the an episode of "falling earring being caught by the bra"....

It feels real good. 

I'm still not ready to go out public nor to take photos. The most I have done is to be outside the house and do some excursions by car. 

One thing learnt is that my limit for high heels. No problem to walk around or to drive with 7,5-8cm (3") but combo  9,5cm (almost 4'') and drive was not a good idea. 

Last but not least. I'm a bad participant in this forum. I read and admire your stories but fail to comment on them. Sorry. Will try to improve. 

with sincere regards from Vicky

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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


I love this post. You're certainly making the most of your time, and you've shared some fascinating reflections on how it's going.

There is absolutely no hurry to venture outdoors. Ir's not a race. That time will come when you feel good and ready. It'll be scary, but it'll also be one of the most exhilarating moments of your life.

And please don't apologise for not commenting on others' posts. There's a lot to keep track of here. Responding to everything would be a job in itself!

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Last but not least. I'm a bad participant in this forum. I read and admire your stories but fail to comment on them. Sorry. Will try to improve. 

Vicky ... I struggle to keep up and I'm supposed to be an Ambassador.

There's so much to love about this post. It's so full of the joy of just ... being.

Reading it made me happy 🙂


Ellie x


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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2157

@vickychristina Take all the time you need. Take the next step when it feels comfortable for you.  You will go as far as you want and we will be here to listen and offer any help. 


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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Posts: 210


This extended time sounds wonderful Vicky. I have never had that long of a chance, but I have noticed a similar change in feelings and mannerisms after the initial excitement fades away into a more natural emotional state.

Enjoy your time - you deserve it.


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Reputable Member     Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Posts: 330

@vickychristina Just relax and relish the wonder. I was uptight the first few times I was alone but en femme. After accepting the fact that this was what I always wanted it became peaceful and comforting. 
Those opportunities do not always come along, jump in with both feet and the your girl rule.

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Duchess Annual
Honorable Member     Missoula, Montana, United States of America
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A very lucky girl you are Vicky, wish I could do the same.


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Active Member     Indiana, United States of America
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Enjoy all the time you have, I was going to have 14 day home alone at the start my grand daughter and kids needed a place to stay. Family first me time later. Enjoy looking forward to up dates. 

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Vicky -

How wonderful that you had that time to be yourself. I can relate to what you said about twisting earrings, I love wearing dangling earrings and the feel of them bouncing on my ears and hitting my neck. Continue to enjoy your time.


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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Since you haven't gone full outdoors yet, how about some photographs on here, in a safe environment, so we can see the real you?


I can't do 4" heels but I can do 3" all day. I too tried driving in them, not a good idea although I suppose one would get used to them.

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Eminent Member     Helsinki, Finland
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Thanks for the kind messages. As for photos, I'm not there yet. Might come but not now. 

The calm is still there. It took an hour to get ready but it felt good. A bit of a get going for the day. Simple skirt with pantyhose, a teddy, an oversized sweater, some makeup, lipstick, change of earrings and I was ready to start my day. Nails, lipstick and sweater colour match. 

Feeling to sit there and work all dressed up is just right. Nothing sexual, just as it should be. 

Was contemplating a bit what makes it so good that an hour in the morning is a joy while I in my male appearance would barely spend three minutes. I think it's the selfish focus one gets doing this. It's you, your face, your clothing etc. Combination of what to wear and what makeup that will go well to after that add on the accessories. Like a mantra that has to take its time. Maybe thinking to much but so be it, I'm having a good time! 

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Noble Member     Clearwater, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

What I delightful time you are having and shared with us so well.  I hope to be able to have some  extended feminine time like that someday.


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