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ANY Advice with SO??

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Eminent Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Joined: 10 months ago

I am somewhat new here and love the ladies here. No games all real. Since I wear panties and have pedicure in color and wear chemise 24/7 with SO I am looking for some advice. My SO tolerates my current 24/7 but I would like to take it further so I don’t have to hide my clothes heels and makeup. The only time I can dress is when she is out of town every 3 months or so. Does anyone have suggestions how I can put out feelers to her without the risk of freaking her out so I can get a feel if she would be OK for me to go little further. I realize many ladies do it separately from their SO which I can live with but I don’t even know if she can handle that. How can I find out without directly asking. Any suggestions are appreciated. Also has anyone had real results with herbal supplements for breast enlargement? Increased cup size or increased nipple?

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
Posts: 804

@newtolv If your SO is ok with the current situation then you already have a good idea how she is likely to feel about this. You should probably start by asking her what she thinks about your current situation without taking it any further straight away. If you get a positive response then try pushing things forward but take it slow! If you plan to do so then I would advise an open & honest discussion about it & if it's not what you want to hear then you should probably respect that. On a more positive note she may have the same opinion as Mrs B & just be, whatever you like, it's up to you & it doesn't bother me. 

Just be honest & go with whatever the results may be.

As for your other point, herbals are a con. Don't waste your money. If they worked then the medical profession would be using them regularly.

Good luck, I hope things work out well for both of you.

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 1742

@newtolv The problem with going around the questions rather than straight to them is that you may interpret the question as leading one way while she thinks the questions are leading in another direction. This doesn't mean that you should go full force; you can still take baby steps in your line of questioning to get her opinion.

But you also need to ask yourself the tough questions because they may come up. Some examples: Are you looking to dress at home or go out? Are you going to go out locally or only when some distance from home? Are you going to CD events only? Are you going shopping or to bars? Are you going to other places (shows, park, walking around, etc.) Are you looking for her to be involved? How often do you need to do it, and for how long? How far do you need to go? Breast forms, makeup (and how much), wig, or just clothes?

When you have these answers, you'll be ready to answer her questions that will likely arise from trying to extend your time.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Posts: 2157


Your question is so very complicated. As already mentioned any question your ask and she answers might be taken differently by each of you. 
In my opinion you can go a little way just talking, the 2 of you, but to get firm clear answers that satisfy both of you is likely to take therapy.
Good luck to both of you.
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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4023

@newtolv By the sound of things, you need to ask yourself some questions about what you are doing and how far you want to take things, too. If you don't have answers for any of her questions or concerns, you are going to look or sound unprepared and unsure of yourself.

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@newtolv My advice is always to be as honest as you can. It's understandable to be worried about what she might say or think, but if you want the relationship to work, then as a partner she has a right to know about these things, and in the long term you'll both likely be happier with info out in the open between you. Otherwise she'll have to wonder what it is you're actually doing or want to do and when people wonder in that way, their brain tends to go to the darker places.

Honesty is a relationship's best friend.

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Estimable Member     Dayton, Ohio, United States of America
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Kendra, you've already gotten really good advice from the other ladies regarding your SO.  Regarding your breast/nipple enlargement question, you might find the breastnexum website of interest.  

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Reputable Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Hi Kendra

My only advice about your SO is to be very careful because you may end up going down a path that leads you where you don't want to be. The status quo may be the best place for both of you at the moment.


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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
Posts: 313


Totally agree with you, Veronica.


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