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Hi everyone
Since my late teens my big flat male feet have made it necessary to wear custom orthotics in my shoes and my feet get very sore if I do not wear them.
Yet many times and as recently as last week when I went "solo shopping" as Caty and wore 2" heels all day, yes they got sore from the heels, but not under the arches where they normally would do so.
I'm thinking that's cos I have my feet tilted forward in the heels, but I'd welcome a professional opinion on this.
I'm probably due for a new pair of orthotics, now if only my beloved would agree to me wearing heels more often, I'm sure the shoes would be cheaper and much more fun to wear!!
Happy dressing
Hi Caty! Would an Army Medic who looked after 98 million pairs of feet do? When wearing orthotics...the arch is supported upwards. When you walk they kind of make your feet like leaf springs on a cars rear axle. In heels, all you weight is transferred to the front "toes and pads" . If you sit and move your foot to the "wearing heels" position you will feel this area and strain on your calf muscles. Result is sore feet but not so much on the arches as the front part of the foot takes it all and the calves...well, they will stretch, pain goes away eventually. So many soldiers get flat feet, especially if you are a "ground pounder". The US Army would not buy orthotics for troops and in Vietnam....boots were always soaked, high humidity and heat...result...orthotics and boots would rot off your feet in a month, if some creature...ie Rats....didn't eat them during the night!! SUCH FUN.
Hope this helps with your questions....oh by the way.......I recommend you pretend you are skiing and lean forward so you are basically wearing heels....strengthens the calve muscles and stretches the foot so you can tolerate more time on heels. Regards......
Dame Veronica