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Hi All,
Plenty of us on here are married or have a significant other. For those that don't or can't rely on the support of a spouse, have you had any success in finding a GG to hang with?
I'd love to have a female friend to peruse the malls, drink girly drinks, chitchat and do makeup with.
Can anyone offer advice on how to go about finding such a friend?
I've been to cross dressing and transgender meetups in my city. They are mostly frequented by CD's such as ourselves. Only thing is I find there's an age gap that makes relating difficult. Especially when I'm the *new* recruit they keep bugging to become an official member ... lol. Oh well.
Thanks for your consideration.
Interesting ... Thanks!
I have a supportive wife.If I wasn't so fortunate in that regard I think I would seek the companionship of a genetic woman.I can think of several of my collesgues from my former workplace who would have made excellent confidents.
Yep, I saw your original post, even replied to it.
Shadow Admins are at it again....
I wish I knew. When my ex-wife found out, her opposition is what made her become "ex." Before her, I had a girlfriend for 5 months who never found out. Since the divorce, I had another girlfriend who left me after a couple weeks. I know she never found out, but I don't know why she suddenly broke up. I am just having a hard time trying to bring myself into dating again since there's little chance I will ever find a significant other who would be accepting.
I haven't been in a serious relationship since I really started cross dressing. I have dated a few women who I believed had a strong chance of being accepting, and I almost came out to, but I didn't because I still got some mixed messages from them.
That was then... I would probably come out to them now. That could be progress in my journey or now knowing we broke up anyway.
As for friends, I do have GG friends I know would be accepting, at least on some level. Some current, and some from school I'm trying to reconnect with. Still plan to approach the subject of CDing super carefully with them, if at all. I'm still terrified of my wider circle of friends finding out.