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Anyone ever notced this

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
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Recently I’ve  been studying women and how they look.  I’m not staring, but just brushing up to see how they look when they go out and about.  As I get older, I’ve started to notice that as with myself, that gender lines in terms of facial structure actually start to come together and look the same.  The only thing that I’ve noticed that actually distinguishes an old man from an old woman is the clothing that they wear.  So, I say to all of you, we do have a lot to look forward to when we get older!  I’d love to hear every one’s thoughts on this subject.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4018

@jennconn Yeah, but...

I am not ready to wear a lot of age appropriate women's clothes in public. 🥳 That is one of the reasons that I want to crossdress, to look more attractive. More pretty, if you will. I just can't do that in public as much as I'd like yet.

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Estimable Member     Paradise Valley, Arizona, United States of America
Posts: 100

@jennconn hi beautiful. I hear you I have watched and tried to emulate females. As I’ve gotten older not to much nasty dressing. lol but sexy clothes that are not age appropriate have gone by wayside. But never stop and once in awhile still try on

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@jennconn I have noticed that as I get older I don't need to worry about Adam's apple, the droopy skin covers a lot.  BUT all the loose skin and wrinkles on the face make me look so old.  Speaking of getting older I also love coloring my hair, I hate the gray. 

Speaking of clothing I love all the colors I am wearing as Cassie, and the beautiful styles and fabrics. 


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4018

@loneleycd There is tape that can fit under a hair-do that can pull the face tight. I saw it in use, recently, and it works!

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 851

@jennconn interesting thought.  How about those chiefs, ( from there).

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@jennconn I see that too Jennifer.  As I get older, my facial structures have softened a bit but to the point that I am more comfortable with my feminine appearance.   Of course, makeup is still required!

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Reputable Member     Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 334


Hi Jennifer 

I tend to look how women of my age group present themselves I totally ignore the ones that just don't care and dress really frumpy, I look at the women who take a pride in themselves and try to dress to please themselves. I have no inhibitions about going out in public but I do bear in mind well dressed women don't parade themselves or dress smutty.

As for getting older and wrinkly I minimise it by looking after my skin, a good healthy diet protect yourself from uv rays and hydration for your skin, personally I think the older I am getting I am managing myself well and I am very happy for my female presentation.

Youv'e asked a very good question and raised good points Jenn.

Sarah xx

(@Anonymous 91593)
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Posts: 183

@jennconn you are absolutely correct . I look at women my age and have tried to emulate some of their age appropriate apearances. I have to say more age appropriate does seem to suit me. I still have my crop tops and ridiculously short skirts too though 😍

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Estimable Member     Paradise Valley, Arizona, United States of America
Posts: 100

@jennconn go for it all in public restaurant ect before too old. You look so gorgeous

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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
Posts: 827

@jennconn Naturally as men age we produce less Testosterone and more Estrogen.  this probably contributes to male breast development and softer skin and features naturally.  So I expect the older we get the more feminine we become.  Something to look forward to because getting old kinda sucks. Come Here  RC

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Eminent Member     Sarasota , Florida, United States of America
Posts: 38

@jennconn I’m not sure if I look better now than I did say 10 years ago because I keep seeing the male me when I look at myself in the mirror. However, I’m not getting women in particular treating me like I’m anything but another woman. Very few women would know I’m not one or at least question me except those who see my ID. I was in Chicago last week and it was obvious the girl at the front desk had no idea I was the guy in the picture on my license. I had to tell her which got her flustered. I’ve had the same thing happen with TSA. In fact, a year and a half ago I had one tell me I was beautiful. Not sure I would agree with her, but I accepted her compliment and figured I was doing a good job at appearing as a woman. 

One thing about age, I can easily create cleavage now which was a struggle and I gave up on it many years ago until a couple of years ago. I’m not sure I will look very good when I’m in my 80’s, but time will tell. 

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Reputable Member     Bromley, London, United Kingdom
Posts: 202

@jennconn Hi Jennifer

Hope this reply finds you well.

I love this question a lot! I have always stood by the theory that for us, inspiration is everywhere especially in somewhere like a coffee shop (there is a great one near me for this) Like you, I am not staring but just observing. For me and like you, it is not just about the clothes but the deportment as well.

Full disclosure here, I find wearing fem clothes easier as I feel more stylish and co-ordinated. My wardrobe is mainly what would class as "safe" I was called once at work a librarian in the fem clothes I was wearing. I took it in good grace but its a style I have always adopted. I have a couple of very short black dresses, both are beautiful but they are filed in "right time, right place" pile.

Like you, I dont fear getting older at all, its all about your state of mind.


Samantha x x x

PS, I will never give up the short skirts though. 


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Reputable Member     Chicago, Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 149

@jennconn Jennifer,

Age appropriate has no meaning for me, in the sense that, if I feel confident and comfortable (and styled) in my look, then it's appropriate.  I was called 'ma'am' twice yesterday on errands. Could have been the 2.5" heeled boots, cropped military style jean jacket and my natural pony tail... but still nothing else at all obvious. The ease of slipping into a role at 70+.Hha



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Noble Member     Clearwater, Florida, United States of America
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I tend to agree that as we get old and wrinkled the differences in facial structure don't seem as obvious.  I'd love to get out there and test that hypothesis and hopefully someday I will.   

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Estimable Member     SE Missouri, Missouri, United States of America
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I agree some of the older ladies here look great as women. I’ve recently seen pictures of a friend on here and WOW! She looked fabulous. 

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Estimable Member     Paradise Valley, Arizona, United States of America
Posts: 100

@jeried we all look like our hearts and desires

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(@Anonymous 91593)
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I am so glad that you noticed, I have recently thought the same and realized there is an upside to aging! 

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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When we are pre pubescent it is easy to look like a girl, it's puberty the wrecks things for most of us, there are exceptions of course. 

I wonder that when we try to look female we tend to see through the facade and keep seeing the male. We have a false image of femininity wanting to be pefect. I always felt self conscious but in looking around faces and features were so varied that actually things weren't as bad as thought. It's the whole image so if every component is there then the viewer will see a woman. I have had instances of friends seeing me for the first time were stunned at first but then once we were talking saw the person underneath but saw a woman before realisation set in.

As for getting older it is a fact the body starts to wither and gender lines fade it is easier to pass, as it was when a child. However I will maintain a firmness in areas using the shape wear available as sagging is not something I will allow.

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Estimable Member     Georgia, United States of America
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I agree that the older we get the less we look different from women. Another thing I noticed is I'm dressed much better than most women I see out and about. 

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Estimable Member     Barcelona , Barcelona, Spain
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You have enthusiasm, desire for life, and you are doing something that you have wanted for a long time.

kisses 👄

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(@Anonymous 91593)
Estimable Member
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Well I’m an older women and I defy any of you to watch “The Good Wife” and tell me you would not want to look AND dress like Diane Lockhart! Oh My Gosh! And she is so feminine! So youth doesn’t have everything! (A lot, but not everything) I am enjoying my “mature” years

Blushing @


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