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Hi girls,
I was wondering if any of you ladies ever took an online quiz to find out how much of a girly boy you are? I recently took a quiz and my results were 77% girly 🙂!! Is this considered a good score for a crossdresser? Thank you in advance
❤️ Ashlyn
Must say I’m not aware of this website this is really interesting 🤔 I can not answer if that’s good or not but 77 percent seems like a good score
Thanks don’t feel bad I was only 41 percent lol
i don't think i need a test to find out if i'm girly. i was born that way and improved on that.
I generally don’t put too much stock in these things. Regardless of me getting a 0 or 100 - I know how i feel and want to be.
Besides all of us genetically in essence start female (XX) so in our case we just kept a lot of that alive … 💕
I took the nerdtest one and got 76% metrosexuality?
I gave that test a rating of 1 - stinks
I took the IDRLabs one and got 47% masculine and 72% feminine.
I am fine with that.
Curious so I took the test.
I came out 82% girly. I suppose I'm not surprised.