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So here is a question for everyone who underdresses. Do you try to match your male shirt with your panties, bras or camisoles depending on what you wear under your male clothing?
I tend to have a little OCD when it comes to my clothing. For example, panties are folded a certain way and placed in the drawer a certain way. I pull from the right and load to the left. So, when getting dressed for the day, I take the panties that are on top, farthest to the right. I will deviate however, when I’m dressing en femme and the panties might be too dark for the dress, skirt or shorts that I’m going to wear. We don’t want black panties showing through a light color.
My female and male clothing are done the same way. On laundry day, after clothes have been dried and time to put them away, I have specific places in the closet for shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, etc. Again, pull from the right and load to the left. Just trying to stay organized.
I have found myself at times deviating however. As I’m getting dressed for the day, I will pull out panties from the drawer then to the closet for shirt and pants. I will pause, look at the colors and designs of the male shirt and the colors and designs on the panties. After some thought, I will do one of two things, if possible. I will pick out another shirt or panties so that they both match. Of course, it doesn’t always work out but sometimes it does.
Is this too obsessive to match my male shirt with my panties? Does anyone else do this? Am I just weird?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
If I am underdressed then i'm not concerned what matches.
When transforming into Wendy, I am anal about the colour of the under things. panties, tights, cami, shapewear, they all have to be the same colour. I know it doesn't matter, but it is something I do and it all has to match. So if I pick a black pantie, then it is black tights, black bra, black shapewear, black cami.
Just feels out of place if my panties are nude coloured but everything else is black.
- Oh My Gosh! Karla, I wish I could be so organized. Seems like my life would be so much easier if things were in order and ready to go. I felt like I was doing good if I had all my panties and bras in one drawer and slips, shapewear and hose in a second drawer! 😇 @
Before I bought breast forms, I bought bras in my natural male size to try, and panties matching them - all Iris & Lilly (Amazon), mainly in Twilight Blue and with a few Midnight Blues in the mix. Then I bought forms, but couldn't manage to get a satisfactory bra to fit them from other available cup sizes in that colour range, because it was being discontinued and going out of stock. So I ended up getting M&S full coverage bras in pink! But I reasoned, probably no-one else is ever going to see me in just bra and panties, so I shouldn't get too annoyed about it. The M&S bras are comfy and work well, and I can still wear a blue bra without forms if I wish, they do give me a very subtle shape.
When I'm dressed as a guy, I'm almost always either wearing jeans or black pants, both dark colors. So I don't use that to define what panties I wear.
What does determine it is if I'm going to the gym at work. If I'm going to the gym and have to change, I'll wear a solid color, or something black or white, which I can sort of get away as men's underwear. If I'm not going to the gym, I can also wear some floral panties because no one is going to see them.
So long as colours don't show through the outer layers, it makes no nevermind to me. Having said that, I have a number of panties that are just to delicate for casual wearings, so they get ignored more often than not.