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Interesting article in Sept 11 edition of the Washington Post. It says that a new study shows that transgender people who have undergone conversion therapy are are under greater risk for psychological stress, including elevated rates of suicide attempts.
Why is this even a newsworthy comment... It's an obvious outcome from trying to change someone to something they're not. It should have come with a disclaimer.. 'From the files of the B.... obvious:'
<Rant Over>
Cringe worthy.
Can't we convert other things instead.... Convert elected officials to care about those who they are supposed to serve....... Convert the mega wealthy to care about the poor...... Convert weapon manufacturers to female garment manufacturers.......
My thoughts exactly Molly, obvious that fighting what we are expected to be, fighting societal gender stereotypical behaviour, fighting intolerance, fighting our own demons and internal fears of the consequences of revealing our true selves, fighting our fear of alienating those nearest and dearest to us, fighting fighting fighting is stressful.
Leading some to dark places feeling no way out ? Of course it is the case. Guess we still need some academic to say it is so before others believe it ! And hopefully stating the obvious in the press will raise awareness.
Because all men should be alphas, eating steak all day long, fishing, shooting, keeping women firmly in their place, bawling out their social inferiors, driving big, gas guzzling cars, working all the hours God sends to buy nice stuff and increase their carbon footprint by travelling the world in aeroplanes and cruise ships, promoting deforestation and plastic use through product choice, and promoting global warming via a huge number of power consuming gadgets which plug into a power consuming internet...
I've hardly started on the ignorance in which many people are living self-destructive lives - yet it's common knowledge!
And, it seems, gender dysphoria is one of the worst culprits.
*Sarcasm alert*
Love Laura
Imagine that. Greater risk to feel god awful about yourself and want to end it all. It boggles the mind that we still have to fight for our right to exist....no no. I'm not even going to go there.
I just want to acknowledge all of the ladies here and there right to exist worry free happy lives.
-Hugs Jessie
Boy! An New Study: Medical Providers know this already. This is way I will have go therapy for a time after GRS. But What they don't tell how many TG's That have gone through surgery commit or attempt to kill them , because they don't now to cope. I should know; I tried many times.
you can not convert what is you. Only condition by fear which is then why suicidal tendencies then kick in.
There was a story earlier this year this anti gay conversion priest who had been doing it for over 20 years then came out gay. It made me so angry, not including the fact im bi, how? how can you subject anyone to conversion when you know how they feel, you should be fighting for and with us not against.
I really think the ones that are the most nasty to the lbgt+ family and protest are usually doing it themselves away from family/friends etc. They want to do it but instead of embracing it lash out (or worse make money out of it) protest too much.