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As a crossdresser, has anyone ever labeled you a perfectionist?
Hardly. My crossdressing has been organic, changing as I learn and dress more. I have made mistakes that I try to recognise as such and try not to repeat, but I wouldn't call that perfectionist.
I also don't dress fully en femme with make-up and such. Make-up that isn't perfect is a bit of a problem, no?
I've never been accused of being a perfectionist whether dressing or not.
I do get frustrated with make up though. I don't wear it often enough to get good at it and when I do put it on I'm in too much of a hurry. As the saying goes "practice makes perfect" and I don't get enough practice. As for the clothes I wear I do pretty good at putting outfits together matching things. My wife calls me her fashionista and looks to me for what to wear. When we go shopping she will have me help her pick out clothes for her and says she would never have considered some of what I pick out but likes it.
Far from being a perfectionist but it is fun working toward being one.
I accuse myself of being a perfectionist, but not in cross-dressing. When I cross-dress I know I am fighting against biology and age. I can never be perfect, no matter what I do or for how long I do it; that doesn't stop me trying.
Where I am a perfectionist is in my written and spoken language. I read and re-read my posts here on CDH before pressing 'Reply' and I put punctuation in all my text messages. I try to speak properly and not drop aitches.
I have, and expect others to have, good manners; manners cost nothing.
So yes, I am a perfectionist in some ways, not so much in others. When it comes to things like DIY, I'm very much a "that'll do" girl.
Definitely no Perfectionist here my SO says my outfits are unnatural and always refers to me as a stripper and when I do make up I look more so I should be working the street corner
As an Aspie yes but as a perfectionist never. I am incredibly brilliant in some ways but also incredibly stupid in some of the most common interactions with others. I used to think of myself as a person who only spoke English in the middle of a country that only spoke French. It has taken me a lifetime to learn the language of the NT's (neurotypical population) but I got it figured out and now do what I can to help the others in Aspieland. Thanks Sandie for this thought provoking question. Marg, who will look you in the eye and smile when talking.
I have been told and accused of that forever! If I can't do it perfectly then it isn't going to get done, why bother if it isn't done to perfection?
Perfect example as a trans woman, the girls at MAC say I should give lessons because my makeup is so perfect. My attitude is this, If I want to be seen as a woman, I need to make sure I look perfectly put together!
Hugs girls, the perfect way to love my sisters:)
Ms. Lauren M
There are some things I view myself as being a perfectionist about. Crossdressing is not one of them, I just try my best, experiment and a femme day is a day of relaxation for me.
Anna xx
I used to be an industrial electrician. The job covered all aspects of electrical work from putting plugs on portable machines, to designing and building huge control panels for production lines. There was also a lot of multi cable installation.... Cable installations had to be perfect. A lot of planning went into the routes so cables didn't cross over (where they could be seen). When building control panels the layout was meticulously planned and all cables were neat and tidy. Panels looked neat and tidy inside and out. I wasn't a perfectionist, I just had pride in my work and I knew that many enelctricians would follow behind me.
When it comes to how I dress. Male me is a scruff. I throw on whatever is laying by the side of the bed in the morning. Cerys, on the other hand has to be perfect. I can sopend an hour choosing and re-choosing the outfit for the day. Even if I'm not intending to go anywhere, Cerys has to be perfect. This drives my wife mad!If we are going our for the day, my wife sets an alarm and kicks me out of bed early, just so I can shower, shave, put my face on and get Cerys ready. She knows that this is at least an hour. She also knows that even when I'm dressed, I will still spend considerable time choosing the jewellery. That is every bit as important as the clothes.... Then as we are ready to leave, it's time to choose the handbag.... This is where my wife starts throwing stuff at me 🙂
Cerys has to be perfect!