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As I get older I find the need to dress becomes more intense. I was once happy to dress alone and keep the closet door locked behind me. Now I want meet and socialise with others, have makeovers and chat.
Any thoughts on why?
Because humans are social creatures. Strength in numbers. Peer acceptance. You know, people stuff.
Melanie -
I understand what you are saying.
Dressing was an intermittent thing for me throughout my life, always in private and with long spans of time between opportunities to dress. In the last few years, after coming out to my wife, my dressing has increased in frequency and what I do. It used to be just lingerie, now it is fully dressing including make up, wig, shoes, etc.. Back in October I got my ears pierced at my wife's suggestion which was a huge step. I also would love to go out dressed and meet others but due to 1- an agreement with my wife to keep it in the house, 2 - facial hair I can't get rid of. Only time will tell how things go for the future. Being here does help as an outlet for being able to share this part of my life with those who understand. I would say that I am dress in some way 95% of the time I am here.
There are so many of us that feel as you do Melanie and why is it as you get older? There are many explanations and one that may have resonance is this:-
We may have had these feelings from childhood but such was the social abhorrence we had to keep it to ourselves. As hormones kick in then the maleness prevails although those thoughts are still there, the odd opportunity arises but are put into the background. Life takes over with responsibilities to a wife, family and being the provider, that is your focus. It seems that once the phase of being the male subsides the body readjusts those thoughts become actions as there is more time on the hands, the pressures of life are under control, the hormonal rush is reducing allowing those feminine feelings to come out. Where it goes from there is down to the individual and circumstances but it is the epiphany that it is real and has to be satisfied.
A simplistic view with no scientific analysis but is my take on it.
I feel exactly the same way. For me it is release of everything that I built up during many years of living a forced existence. Now I want to experience everything I missed and the feeling is that I don't have all the time left that I would like to do it. Carpe Diem!
Melanie, I've never purged, I've never felt the guilt to do so. But very few people know that there is a Sherri living with me but as I'm getting older I too have more desire to live more outwardly as Sherri. I think myself, just the fact that being a CD is not the taboo that it was years ago, so acceptance seems more probable, being here with so many others like myself from all over the world also helps me with the feeling of just do it, it's OK and there's nothing wrong with it. Also the fact that I have so many outfits that I'd love to be seen in and not collect dust in the closet. What I think is stopping me personally, is that my wife is not 100% on board with my dressing, and what I want is that, to take her hand in mine and go out. At that point I could take whatever happens because she is standing by me and if we were to run into someone we know, well then there would be two of us to face that moment together. Until then I'll wait for my next away job were I will get the chance to do some shopping as Sherri and buy myself something more that I can wear when I finally break through the door at home, the urge is becoming just to strong, not to!
Hope the day comes soon Sherri x.
As males age, our testosterone levels steadily drop. By our senior years, we lose testosterone at an increased rate.
There is quite a bit of reading you can do on this topic. However, the brief explanation is because of the testosterone loss, you are going to feel more feminine, and thus, you are going to have a stronger desire to crossdress. You may notice your breasts have grown somewhat, and your legs have a significant decrease of hair.
I have crossdressed since age five. Yet, I noticed after age 60 that I began to think more like a female and wanted to dress more often. For a while, I was keeping both my finger nails and toe nails painted all the time.
Hi Melanie,
I feel the same way as I've gotten older my desire to dress has gotten stronger, I think as you get older your testosterone levels go down so girls like us have more of a feminine side, if i could i would dress 24/7 and purge all my drab man clothes,
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗