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Attending a Pride parade and event

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Estimable Member     Caterham-on-the-Hill, Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 7 years ago

Hello everyone. On Saturday 13th July 2019 I went to Croydon, Surrey, U.K. and thoroughly enjoyed the Croydon PrideFest, the parade started at 12 noon outside Marks & Spencer's store in North End and continued down through the town and along to Wandle Park where there was a main stage for acts, there were many stalls related to LGBTQ and some lovely food stalls as well. I wore my favourite black coated jeans, ladies size 16 from Bon Marche and my Malta Pride t-shirt and also a pride wrist band. I took many photos of the parade and at the event in Wandle Park and also had my photo taken with some people taking part. Some of my friends liked the photos I put onto my Facebook page, but then a few friends have reacted in a different way and are now ignoring me.
Has anyone else had adverse reactions from friends when they found out that they had attended a Pride event?
I hope these few people who do not fully understand what Pride really means, will not set me off on another purge. I have been getting along so well with my CD-ing recently and hope that these negative responses will not have a lasting effect on me.
I felt proud to have joined in the PrideFest and loved the experience and the atmosphere.

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Dear Allison, do not let other peoples negativity drag you down. I've had a couple of health issues where I got to realize my own mortality and have learned live for the day and enjoy being you. I've lost a few friends over the years because of my dressing and afterwards you sit and think, well maybe they weren't friends at all. Enjoy your life and go by my new rule, if you don't like me, don't talk to me, your loss.


Take care, Heather.


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