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Eminent Member     Minnesota, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Well, my wife and I had a talk. I guess you could say we had THE talk. She has known for a year that I like being more submissive along with wearing some femme dress. Sure insisted that it was a fetish, and I left it at that ever since. Last week we had a long talk though. We still love each other very much, and she's supportive of wherever this road travels. I agreed to search out a therapist, because I seriously don't know where this road will lead! I've felt rather free for the first time ever this week!

I'm so thankful for those that I've learned from in this group through private messages, and the like! There's one person that I really want to seek out though that seems to have disappeared, and I'm hoping someone here can help!


I first started trying to research the ideas behind crossdressing and transitioning about ten years ago. I dreamt of it for many years before that. At that time, I stumbled upon a post on a site called acid cow of a body builder turned agent Scully lookalike! I was immediately drawn to her! I searched to internet to figure her story out. I finally found her channel on YouTube, and started to watch her vlogs. Then, she and her entire presence on the internet disappeared. She was an inspiration to me! I want to thank her so much! I'm afraid that something terrible happened, but I've never known how to ask. Could someone PLEASE tell me what ever happened to Jessamyn82? She deserves a lot of thanks for opening my mind to be possibilities today!


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