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Hello everyone, just returned from our annual 3 weeks away, visiting the in-laws.
Had a lovely time thanks for asking, but the weather was just so unrelentingly hot (France has been experiencing something of a heatwave) that we just couldn't do anything. Except eat! It seems like we spent the entire three weeks going from one family meal to the next, without our usual 'walking it off' the next day. I also allowed myself to indulge in those wonderful cheeses. Consequently I have returned some 4 kilos heavier, and I spent today finding myself unable to fit into some (quite a few actually) of my outfits 🤬😭
I'm very annoyed with myself actually. It's going to be salad all the way for a while from now on and lots of legwork. Grrrrr!!!
I enjoy a few extra calories when traveling. I do not want to skip such cultural experiences like good food and family, but I try and offset it with walks, runs or other activities to burn at least some of them off. Even after a week on a French river cruise, I managed to gain only a kilo ot so. Dawn rums, or eveni g bike rides throigh Bordeaux helped, and were a magical experience as well.