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Are we, as committed crossdressers, ever-exploring and ever-enjoying all manner of sensual ‘feminine’ clothing, actually the last major bastions of feminine sensual attire? Are we the crying voice in the embers of a fire which is burning itself out?
Have genetic women themselves moved on from such, apart from a small section of their wardrobe left for weddings, formal occasions, company parties and such? Is it actually women who are more accepting of ‘drab’?
Should we leave the rouge and the scarlet red lipstick and polish in dresser drawers labelled “from days gone by”?
Welcome your views.
To be fair here, cis women have been very nearly forced into that for decades - the demand of society to present themselves in what we now feel is this hyper-feminine look: stockings, heels, mini skirts, etc.
I think cis women today are simply forging out on their own. Taking ownership of their appearance and deciding that they, not society, are in charge of that and that they'll doll up sexy when they d@mned please, TY so VM.
We CD/TG people, on the other hand have spent decades not being able to have that look and want what that gives. Therefore both situations seem quite natural at this point.
However, I'd disagree with the idea that we're somehow keeping it alive. We certainly aren't doing it on its own merit, we're doing it because we like it. And, frankly, I think assigning it any cultural value is a bit of a misgiving to begin with.
There's a phrase I like: "For every woman eager to take off her bra, there's a man desperate to put one on." Well, I'd rather put on a bra than burn it. We've gone from a society that demanded a lot of femininity to a society that hates femininity. I think crossdressing could inspire GGs to get back on the path to femininity. I've decided to do a daily exercise: try to put on a bra every day, even if I only wear it for a few minutes. The experience of putting on and taking off a bra is one of the most feminine experiences there is.
ya but you need a bra to hold your forms, they don't. i think if i had real boobs and they were firm i'd go commando. why not?
its amazing how real woman and crossdressers are so much alike. a lot of things are fake. fake eyelashes, nails, hair, breast, lip injects, fake body shaping, nylons to make your legs look nice, make up, etc. we were all born without this stuff. how ugly would the world be if no one used any of these things.
We actually can't be the standard bearers for feminine sensuality.
If that were the case the companies who produce the items we love would be out of business. Ours is not a substantial enough base to support them all. We benefit from what women desire and purchase becoming prolific. There are many more of them buying these items than us.
I thank them for their good taste.
To each their own. Cis women should get to do whatever they want to do. And CDs as well.
The fem image I want to portray is from women in the past, present, and future. I love how classy my mom and her social circle used to dress.
I love how elegant, casual, comfortable my wife used to and still dresses. It's evolved to be more casual, bit it's still more fem than guy styles.
I love some of the styles and blending that the next generation is wearing. And how the gender barriers are much more fluid for them.
Regardless of how cis women dress in general today, I will always have my own fem image. My image may look slightly out of fashion, or even out of place, but it is mine and it makes me feel great.
I was taught at a young age to dress nicely and that has been with me ever since. I will not succumb to drab female attire and will maintain the standards of the old days regardless. We may be few but must keep style alive.
I see the idea Valentina, we must redress the issue and never skirt round it......
A very interesting topic.
I think we (society) are influenced by what we see on TV, the movies, advertisements and such. Most of those show women in casual clothing sans make up or with very light make up. There are occasions where women dress up but that is usually for special occasions. Part of that is the busy lives we live and having the time to "glam up". A bigger portion is that as a society we have become more casual even to the point of lazy. I'm amazed how many people go out in their pajamas for their weekly grocery shopping and such.
When I dress I enjoy the process of putting on a bra, panties, shapewear, stockings, make up, outfit, shoes, wig and jewelry. I am expressing my femme side the way I picture it to be. When I dress I like to wear dresses or skirt/blouse combos as, to me, that is femininity. There are others that wear jeans or slacks and a pretty top to feel femme. To each their own, the same for GG's. There was a point in time where there was an acceptable way to dress, however, those days have passed us by.
Although I never thought I would dare, I felt a peak of feminine sensuality while modeling two evening gowns during the Esprit Fashion Show in Port Angeles last year. It was an experience I will never forget and it really served to boost my self-esteem. I don't think it had much to do with my classy way of dressing that day but with my intense feminine feelings.
It's no secret that I hope to repeat it.
Women are still women, and as such are still always trying to out do each other. It is just done in different ways. While many still my waer red lipstick, these days there are trying to out do each other's yoga pants or other such items.
I was just pointing out that yiga pants are a major fashion trend. Anytime something that can be very basic, and cheap, suddenly is a major fashion item that can cost $100 plus and spur whole new fashion companies tells me women are still happy to one-up each other...think Lululemon or Athletica.
Just got back from a friend’s birthday party, so glad to see at least a third of the women wearing glam, lovely nylons in one case, best bras, nice makeup, matching jewellery etc. Lovely to see. ☺️