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Hi girls.
I am a huge Battlebots fan. Friday night's opening fight between Duck and Cobalt generated the headline, The greatest Battlebot fight ever filmed. It was a fight between a seemingly weaponless Bot, Duck and a powerful bot named Cobalt with a devastating weapon. Duck endured horrible abuse but defeated Cobalt through sheer endurance. This seemed a metaphor for much of the lives we live. We must be strong.
YIKES! I've seen some incredible fights in the Battlebox, and that one was one for the books. Yes, we may come out with a few scrapes and a couple of dings. But we must remain steadfast and silky.
I'm glad Kenny Florian is commentating. He is a former UFC championship contender and did color commentary for the UFC on Fox for a long time. He's great. BB is good stuff.
Years ago, when I was a young person, I used to watch wresling (sp intentional) on Saturday afternoons. Gordon Soley was the announcer then and Billy Graham (not the preacher) was the hero. In those days the ruse was kept up that the fights were real. When my son got to teenage years he was introduced to WWF (became WWE due to name conflict) wrestling by one of our daughters boyfriends. I did not really like the WWE especially the bra and panty matches so I got him interested in UFC. At the time UFC had a bad reputation for violence but after watching a few fights I felt it was more nuanced than the public thought and thanks to some rules, it has become a honest to goodnesss sport whose ultimate goal is not to know someone senseless (like boxing) I say all this to acknowledge that Kenny Florian is a great host. We used to watch him fight.