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Hi all. After some pretty intense reading here . I have concluded,, we are all the same. Duh. So I gotta jut gotta ask.. How many of you grew beards to hide thier identity and prove thier masculinity ?? I'll go first. YEP.
Hi Mikayla,
Yes, ive done many things over the past to strengthen my masculinity and some things I can't change back. Ive never thought of it as hiding my identity ,but I guess thats really what I was doing. Ive spent my whole life trying to prove my masculinity and now im struggling to undo as much of it as possible . I worked hard at deepening my voice when I was young, and the masculine tattoos that cover my arms with the scares from motorcycle accidents go together quite well with the facial hair I still have left on my face in fear of going into shock if I completely shave. And yes the scares and tattoos can be covered, and im trying hard to find the courage to completely shave. { I'm close}.
a beautiful feminine voice ill never again have.
Yes and no. Ever since I got out of the military I go through spells of no shaving and no hair cuts. But that only last for so long. Eventually I get annoyed with to much facial hair and either shave it myself or go to the barber shop. But between time I normally stay pretty well groomed unless I get deep into work and forget to go to the barber shop.
I had facial hair when I was around 12 and never shaved. I was also in warp drive with dressing and wishing I was a gurl. Talk about being totally screwed up. The more I think about it the more I think I was using my beard to prove my masculinity.. Last year, 42 yrs later, I shaved it off for the first time, and spent a year practicing make up. Well, I got pretty good at it but unfortunately without surgery, I will never be able to pass. So I gave up and quit shaving again.
I hate shaving my face. I think I look so much better with hair on my face. That being said, all the other hair on my body I don't like at all. The time is coming though that I'm going to need to shave my face of in ever going to practice my much anticipated makeup skills. So until then I'll have hair on face
Hi Nikki. I k That is exactly where am . I finally took the plunge and after a year of shaving and practicing my make up skills , I gave up and grew it back.