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Becca, woman about town

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Time has moved on and so have I. It is over three months since my first trip out as Becca and today, I have been out and about yet again. Since that first time, I have been out shopping, to garden centres, to the theatre to see plays. I have walked in full view of the general public both on my own and with my wife and I have loved every minute of it; I have become comfortable with being Becca.

My wardrobe of feminine clothes has grown and indeed, Becca now has her own closet full of dresses, skirts, tops, a cupboard full of shoes and drawers of underwear. She has taken over my spare bedroom with makeup, nail polishes, perfumes, wigs and all the accoutrements that come with being an established cross-dresser. I have become adept at applying eyeliner, mascara and nail polish.

I have told my son and he is good with it. My wife looks forward to our next trip out and has come to see me as an occasional girlfriend with whom she can browse jewellery shops without a bored, impatient man trying to move her along. Life for a relatively new cross dresser has become second nature.

Today, on my return from the city, I was oh, so reluctant to give this body back to my male persona, to take out my hoop earrings and my breast forms, hang up my top and skirt, put my feminine trainers back in the closet and then put on my T shirt and shorts to take the dog out as a drab man; the only remnants of Becca being the nail polish and the girly socks I couldn't be bothered to change.

It was so tempting to grab the dog, dressed as I was, just go and damn the consequences. Fortunately, common sense took over and my secret in this rather repressed village remains intact, but one day I will be seen going back to the house from the car and it will all be out there for good or ill and Becca will be able to come out whenever she wants.

The point of this is to give encouragement to all those who wish to follow in my footsteps, to tell you that once you have made that first trip out -- where you are nervous as hell, waiting for judgement [that never comes] to rain down upon you -- the going does get easier and easier and then easier, to the point where you become your alter-ego, you answer to your feminine name without thinking, you feel like a woman. The more you believe you are a woman, the more confident you appear and the less others look at you quizzically. No more surreptitious glances at that dress you would love to wear, that top or jumper that would complement your wardrobe, no more feeling like some sort of male perv wandering the women's underwear aisle. No, now you can go where you want, touch what you want, look at what you want; the relief is palpable.

People don't really see you, they go about their business with their faces buried in their phones. If they look at you, are they looking at you because they think you are a transvestite or are they looking because they see a fashionable lady out and about? You don't know and more importantly, you don't care. What is important is that you are comfortable with who you are, what you look like and how you feel.

How many times have you dressed and started to open that door to the world, only to quietly close it again before sitting down with your disappointment? You need to make that one step, that tiny, tiny step into the light and perhaps like me, you will never want to go back into the darkness of isolation again. Be bold, be brazen, be the proud woman you feel inside and get out there!





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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1828

@rebeccabaxter I would never head out en-femme where I live. I do sometimes need to nip out with makeup on and make a bee-line for the car. I've also had to attend a work emergency in lingerie with a hoodie and pair of jeans hurriedly put on over the top. I've come home in make up, having given the car a run whilst dressed, stopped on the moor for a quick change before heading hope.

Another time was a trip to the supermarket at Saltash services (in full makeup but in jeans and top) - nobody cared.

Our front door opens onto a small wood and a leat, but I've not dared cross the path to it in case I get spotted. A 6 foot plus ginger-haired girl is not going to be unobserved.




Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 602

@annaredhead OK, I had to look up what a 'leat' is, but now I am better educated. It sounds as though your house is in a lovely place.

I was also concerned about neighbours to begin with, but after they had caught sight of me in some measure crossdressed once or twice I took the opportunity when meeting them outside (when I was in drab) to talk to them about it and they were quite accepting. I have since stopped and chatted with them while fully cross dressed; there has not been the slightest hint of them being uncomfortable with it. If this is something you would like to get to, then I hope you will eventually get there and feel very much at peace with it.

Hugs, Rebecca xxx

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1458

@rebeccabaxter Becca, I can only agree wholeheartedly and echo everything that you've said here. 

We both started going out about the same time, and we're both in the same place now.  Fiona has taken over my bedroom and has a very large presence in my study too.  But most importantly, what seemed almost impossible to me to do just 4 months ago is now routine, and there seems to be no limits to what I can now go and do while en femme, and it all feels completely natural. 

Let me add my voice of encouragement to all the girls who are trying to pluck up the courage to embark on their 'journey of a thousand miles' - it really does start with just one step: the one out of your front door.  All you have to do is open it and take that step out into the light 🙂

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 1742

@rebeccabaxter Becca, you make a lot of good points. But you have to understand everybody's circumstances are different.

Yes, I go out in my neighborhood, and have done other things near home. Going for walks in my neighborhood, I made a friend with someone while en femme who I talk to if we happen to pass each other. But I also have some people relatively nearby who belong to my synagogue and no one there knows of my female side. While I'd deal with it if I have to, I really don't want that spreading around as I'm well known, well respected, and well liked there.

Another close neighbor happens to be my boss's boss (grandboss? superboss?). Oh, and he has seen me en femme. It doesn't affect me at work, but for others in a similar situation, it might.

Although I dress in front of two of my kids who live with me all the time, I tend to avoid going out with them while en femme. It would draw attention to myself by association. If they recognize one of them, they're much more likely to recognize me as well. But this year, after returning from the Keystone Conference (it is just under a 3 hour drive) en femme and remaining so, I went out for dinner with my daughter at a local diner. I didn't see anyone I knew, but there was a small chance that it could happen.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

All your words ring so true. Nobody notices or cares. My neighbors have seen various glimpses of JJ in various levels of dress. I was out walking the dogs wearing flipflops and had bright red toe and fingernails and had a lovely chat with a neighbor. No doubt my nextdoor neighbor has seen me in a bikini, and others may have seen me in full dress driving down the street. It has never been an issue.

For those nervois about going out, I highly recommend it. Start small and work up to it and you will be fine. 

Posts: 3437
Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

That's a good way of putting it Becca. Evert fear and apprehension vanishes to become that new normal. I hope your words inspire others.


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