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Beginner makeup advice

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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Hello ladies I have not posted in here in a long time. Unfortunately I ended up trying to quit crossdressing yet again unsuccessfully. When will I learn ? Oh well here we are again in high heels and a puffy floral skirt. In the past i called myself strictly a clothes only dresser no further attempts to look feminine. Well after buying a wig on a whim and then lipstick and loving what I saw in the mirror I’ve come to the conclusion I want to escalate this crossdressing hobby lol. Anyway I’ve never been too into the idea of heavy makeup ( being the idea of putting it on as well as how it looks on women). The idea of putting on mascara or eyeliner freaks me out as I don’t like foreign objects anywhere near my eyes. That being said I would like to remove my stubble and 5 o clock shadow from my face effectively as I do plan some in public crossdressing outings. I’d like to know how I could cover this up with as little products as possible and with as little skill as possible lol. Also nothing too expensive hopefully as well as something I could remove relatively easily as I am in the closet. I live alone so I’m not THAT in the closet but I’d rather my family not know about my nighttime strolls as Natalie. Thank you all! And sorry for the long post

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 1740

@coloradog1 Natalie, sometimes I go out only with some beard cover, and occasionally will add some concealer and bronzer. For my beard cover, I apply Ben Nye 5 O'Sharp and brush it on with a foundation brush. I usually do my upper lip and chin where the hair is the most dense, and my wig covers most of the rest of my facial hair.

If you're going out later in the day, you may want to either skip shaving earlier and then shave before putting on makeup, or just shave again. Another trick I have used sometimes is to skip shaving the day before; you will get a closer shave with less 5 o'clock shadow.

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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@alison-anderson no matter how much I shave or how I can’t get rid of that grayish color especially on my chin

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@coloradog1 You mentioned that you wanted light makeup, which is why I suggested the beard cover. It goes on thin (not "pancake" makeup) but does hide the darkish color of the hairs under the skin.

When I go full out, I will do like  @river and put on red (smear lipstick with a makeup sponge until my face looks sunburned) before my foundation. The foundation has a slight yellow in the tint. The yellow and the red combine  to form an orange which hides the beard. If your foundation is very pale, I have heard of people using orange directly.

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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
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@coloradog1 Long post ? you have been away !! that was pretty short and to the point. 🙂  up until the past few years i was the same way but I have started accumulating quite a collection of cosmetics.  a good clarifying makeup remover does wonders takes it all off very easily and no after effects like irritation from scrubbing especially around the eyes. a tiny bit cleans the whole face its actually pretty amazing.   no resedue and mascara hidden in the corners of my eyes anymore.  I would get on youtube . there are so many tutorials for beard stubble. last one I saw first she covered all the stubble with red . I was like Red ?? wth.. then put concealer over that and the red and stubble was gone.. where would we be without youtube and google .. funny you said hobby I told my wife that and have heard it alot here lately. I dont think Hobby Lobby will have a CD section any time soon though lol..    Unimpressed Cheers RC

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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  • @bluebell  hahaha thank you 
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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@coloradog1 Hi Natalie

I've been amassing a shedload of crossdressing hint and tips for a project I'm working on. Here's what I currently have about beard shadow, though I'll probably be able to add to it after combing through all the replies to your post!

'You can only shave your face so close. The longer you're out the greater the risk of beard shadow showing through your make up. You can eliminate this as follows. After you add your primer, apply a very small amount of bright red lipstick (a little goes a long way!) to your beard line. This is a method that takes some practice but adding a reddish tint to your face offsets the slight blueish tint that facial hair can create. Take a very red lipstick and apply a little to your fingers. Spread this to lightly cover your jawline, neck and around your mouth. The area around your mouth (moustache, the corners of your lips, and from the lower lip to the chin) are generally the darkest, hardest to cover areas. Don’t forget to work under your chin and down your neck - it’s very common for cross dressers to overlook these areas. Be thorough but try not to overdo it! If you’ve applied it correctly you’ll look like you have a slightly red beard. Some people then like to add a layer of concealer, such as Dermablend, but that’s up to you. Experiment, and see what works on your own face. Only then should you start to apply your foundation.

'It’s a tricky process and it will probably take a lot of trial and error before you get it right. Your skin colour and foundation shade will likely be a factor. Don’t be surprised or discouraged if you have a slightly orange tint the first few times you try it!.

'It’s also possible to buy special ‘beard cover products’ from crossdresser stores, but these are expensive and give results that are no better than those with the method suggested above. Note that if your beard does start to show through your makeup after you’ve been out for a few hours, you can shave it off right through your make up with an electric razor … as long as you have one with you, and can find somewhere to use it! Don't start doing it while you're standing at the bar waiting for a drink. If you’re in a hotel, you can always pop back to your room for five minutes.'


Ellie x

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
Posts: 280

@ellyd22 thank you. It doesn’t need to be perfect or last super long. In fact I care more about how easy it is to remove. When I go out crossdressed it’s just to the gas station or ATM or for a nighttime walk. I don’t go anywhere well lit or speak to anyone. I just would like to at least look like a woman if someone came close to me. Even if I’m perceived as a trans woman that is fine. I just don’t want to look like a man in a dress.

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Reputable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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I'm so glad you brought this topic up Natalie! I am beginning to think more about expanding my use of make-up, but it is very overwhelming to think about. You received so much good advice that I feel that it might be possible to pursue this.



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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Just go to a makeup store and ask for recommendations. Better yet, schedule a makeover, tell the MUA you want light, easy-to-apply makeup, and ask what products they are using on you as they are applied. You can then lock and choose what you want to use regularly, or occasionally. 

Still better is to schedule a makeup lesson with either a "regular" MUA or one who does regular MTF makeup.

There is a beauty college near me that I have never been to, but I thought about making an appointment there for a makeover. I think it would be fun and also give some upcoming MUS a new experience...and I might just learn something as well.

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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@jjandme haha that’s out of the question I could never work up the courage for that. I only go out dressed at night

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I have quite a simple regime.

Shaving close is key and using a hot towel prior to shaving to soften things up then a close shave. Let it rest after shaving and add some moisturiser and do another shave using the moisturiser not foam.

I start with a primer at first but not obligatory.

I use an orange cover applied over the face with a damp makeup sponge, like one of the girls has said the effect is sunburned. 

Over that add a light make up cream with a damp sponge around the face and down the neck, the shade should reflect your skin tone. Add a little blusher lightly along the cheek with a brush and then powder over the whole face. 

I then wipe the eyebrows and highlight with a brow pencil and then brush with powder to soften.

I use a small eye powder pallette, Pale over the lids then darker above to the brow.  applied by finger but a small brush is better. I then line just along the lash line with the same brow pencil. Then brush the top lashes with mascara. 

Lips are first lined following the natural lip contours then lightly fill with the same. Over the top is a little lipstick dabbed on with a matt gloss over. I use an everyday red as it is for day time.

That's me done for the day and it takes me about 20 mins to apply - It took me much more time when I started of course. The key is keeping it simple and practice. The internet is full of tutorials which use expensive product and can be complex. It will give an idea but practice makes perfect.

The concealer is an L.A girl pro concealer. The rest is store brand and cost is possibly $50 tops and will last for ages. 

One thing is try not to be afraid to go in store and ask, honestly they will have experience and can guide you. Tell them what you want and can afford.



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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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I am a cheap ass and bought a tube of orange lipstick. I apply it before my makeup routine, being careful not to over do it. Since much of my beard has greyed I only apply where my beard is darkest. Applying foundation and powder over it does the trick. I bought the lipstick on Wish for $5. 

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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@leainvancouver this may be a dumb question but how do I know what foundation to buy ! And what is powder?

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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 379

@coloradog1 Hi Natalie, there are oodles of choices for foundation from clear to more opaque. The best advice I can offer is to visit a cosmetic counter and ask which foundati9n would be best for your skin. When I asked the clerk suggested a foundation that was lightly darker than my skin. Foundation tends to make your skin one shade and flatten your contours 

Powders also vary in tones to create more tone and contours. Face powder lightens areas and you can use darker powder to sculpt your face. Blush adds some colour to your cheeks. It’s all very complicated and I’m still experimenting. 


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