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As a part time crossdresser, I find that the best time to crossdress is during spring and fall seasons. The weather is just perfect, not too hot or cold to wear a nice dress and feel the cool breeze going up your legs, nice feeling.
I also love all the spring and fall colors, fall being my favorite. I love to wear a bit shorter skirt with a nice top and a scarf or just a warm pair of leggings to run errands.
Spring is a close second with all those lovely light sleeves less dresses and colorful prints, anyway, these are my favorite times of the year to present myself as a lady.
I am taking the summer off, waiting for cooler weather with great joy and excitement.
Every season is great for crossdressing but it is easier in winter.
I like all seasons too. Summer, although hot where I live, is perfect for wearing less. Nothing at all wrong with being femme in short shorts & cami tops, mini skirts & summer dresses. Bare legs to show off and lovely sandals to frame our coloured toe nails.
Advantages to cooler climates allows us to wear layers of nice things like sweaters and undergarments like hip pads or corsets but with a clean shaven body and normal figure I do love the summer
I'm another all-season gal. Late fall to early spring my legwear consists of tights. Mid spring and mid fall I'll wear pantyhose. And late spring to early fall I'll go bare legged. Of course if the temperatures are out of the norm, I'll wear what's appropriate.
Where the hem of my skirt hits tends to go up and down with the temperature, too. The higher the temperature, the higher the skirt hits (i.e., the skirt is shorter) on my leg. That's not a strict rule, since I have some light mid-length skirts that are more for warmer weather.
In fall and spring, I might wear a sweater or a jeans jacket. In the winter I have an ankle length quilted nylon coat and gloves so I can go out for a walk even in the coldest weather and still be warm in a skirt.
So I'm ready to go whatever the season.
I feel most comfortable layering my outfits to hide my lack of a feminine figure. As a result, my favorite seasons are fall through early spring. This doesn't mean I'm stopped at other times. It just means that I am not as confident in my appearance then.
The current season is always the best season. Every season has its advantages, so make the most of each.
I enjoy all seasons as it is nice to change from season to season. Mind you with this global warming I have been wearing summer clothes into the autumn.
This is my first summer with makeup, wig, corset, etc
Spring is the best. I love wearing lightweight spring & summer dresses before the worst of the summer heat hits.
For me it would be fall to early spring. I only dress at home, for the time being. I do get my toes painted during that time as I wear shoes and socks when out of the house. I also shave my legs as I wear pants/jeans when I go out of the house. As mush as I would like to do more I'm good with what I can do, I came out to my wife a few years ago and one of her things was that my dressing stays in the house. There are a couple exceptions to that but those are done with her knowledge or suggestion.
Why does there need to be a season you cannot dress?
In the summer put on your bikini and join me on the beach. In the winter put on a coat. Just because we are cross dressers, we cannot go out? Do biological women just stop leaving the house for 6 months every year?
I look at each season as a challenge and an opportunity to put together outfits which will show my femininity in the most graceful and appropriate way.
Oh there are times when I like to walk a little on the wild side. For example, hot days are always a good excuse to display ample cleavage.
Every season is a good season to be a girl!
I dress all through the year but must confess a preference for the autumn and winter. Mostly that's because the fashion is much more to my taste and shopping is a much more rewarding experience 😀
I do enjoy wearing summery clothes, but the weather where I live means I usually end up having to wear a sweater or cardigan as well. Fortunately it also means that I can wear tights without having to worry about sweating to death. This year, the weather has continued to be cold and dreary so far, so light summer frocks have been very little in evidence at Casa Caroline!
Well I dress all year long but being a huge pantyhose lover makes the cooler weather better for me but I’d have to say my closet is more spring , fall and winter.