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Ever been subjected to ridicule or, even worse, blackmail attempts because of your freedoms or trusts in your CD encounters?
I toss the ball up for you…
@valentina16 I have yet to have a negative encounter while dolled up, but some girls I know personally have. It breaks my heart and always makes me wish I'd been there at the time.
It's one reason that I'm always trying to preach self confidence - taking the control over your confidence and keeping it out of reach of strangers. If you own something, no one can ever use it against you.
Nope, never. Nobody could bla kmail me because I really don't care if word got out that I like to dress. While I do not advertise my hobby, I go out in public dressed, so there is always a chance somebody might recognize me. It it were that critical to not be outed, I would stay indoors.
I have never done anything I could be blackmailed, so it is the least of my worries. As for blackmailing because of my dressing, the worse that could happen is a bit of embarassment amoung my family and friends. I honestly doubt any of them would care, and if they did, it is their problem, not mine.
In the past I have had a few encounters but such was my confidence they were dealt with quickly and quietly. If some one wants to blackmail me then I would have no qualms in going to the Police and front them up. There are so few that do not know now it wouldn't matter if they found out as I can deal with it
Perhaps I am in a good place but can appreciate the harm it could cause for others and hope something so nasty never happens.
Whilst we all need reminding of the pitfalls of being found out with blackmail at the very extreme, there are many many very enlightening and positive experiences here that aren't scary at all.
Must say never been blackmailed but only one knows would be an awful thing to have to deal with indeed tho sorry for the ladys that unfortunately went threw with similar circumstances terrible 😞 to hear
Blackmail! Even if someone could find something to blackmail me with (can't imagine what that might be), I don't know what they might gain, I have nothing to give them. There are upsides to having nothing, there is nothing to steal.