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Hi Girls,
I need a body stacking which combines hip pads, breast forms and a gaffe.Does anyone know of anyone who might make me one or a store that sells something like this please?
Hi Lisa, I don't have an answer for you, but this triggered a great memory (and short story) I'd like to share regarding body stockings.
When I was a teenager, I worked (seasonally) at an opera house. This was a major house, w/major productions. I was part of the cleaning crew. We would take our "tools of the trade", and branch out to the various part of the opera house we were assigned to clean.
I cleaned 2 areas, dressing rooms (male and female), and wardrobe. In the female dressing rooms I found some interesting things that were left behind, discarded. But in wardrobe (which was a big sewing room where they constructed costumes and such), I found bins full of sheer body stockings. The actors/actresses wore these on stage to look (partially) nude. I had never seen one before. When I found these I could not believe it! I went into a dressing room (mind you these areas were always empty of people when we were cleaning), completely stripped down and put one on. The feeling and sensation was over the top! Since they had literally hundreds of these things, they never noticed the 3 or so I took away by wearing them under my clothes. Many times there were being thrown away after a couple of performances anyway. A good cleaning and they were fine.
Unfortunately during a purge session, those and many other wonderful things were discarded.
Wow, that was great however!
Not heard or seen anything but I will keep an an ear and eye out.
Thanks !
Wow you rule !