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Good evening ladies,
2021 has not been good to me so far.
First as many of you know my SO walked out on me the day after Christmas. Then both computer & cell phone started giving me problems.
While I was dealing with these problems I am trying to save my relationship. Saving my relationship wasn't working but she wouldn't tell me why she wanted out. Then my car started leaking gas. I went and bought a different phone.p
Well as it turned out for some reason my email program wasn't working with this phone so we ended up going to a different program. Now in the middle of all this I had some doctors appointment. My head doctor told me that my PSA levels were high and made me an appointment with a Urològist. I saw the Urologist who gave me an internal exam and yes I was wearing panties. So he found some things he didn't care for so now I have an appointment for a MRI a ND then a biopsy to see if I have Cancer.
The only good thing that has happened in the past two months is the fact that my income is so low that I now qualify for Food Stamps.
Well let's hope that the rest of 2021 will be be better for me......Anybody got a barrel of wine.
Hi honey, that's alot of punch's coming at you. The last especially. If I could say anything it would be try and see the good things as well as the bad. I know when I get depressed I don't see the light though he trees. If you can try and do a hobby that cheers you up.
Love Trish
I'm trying my best to hang in there and think positive. I know they say God doesn't give you any more than you can handle. But I'm about to burst.
Honey, if I can ever do anything to help please let me know.
My lands that's awful! My thoughts and prayers are with you. We're all here for you. I've been visiting with my oncologist far more than I'd like to, but things are okay for now. I pray that you don't need to visit one much at all.
Hang in there hun things will change don't give up be strong. We all here for you are thoughts and prayers.
Kathleen I know how you must be feeling right now, I am currently recovering from having my prostate removed (3 weeks ago) and know that you have some difficult days ahead, I hope you have some good support persons as I would not have coped without mine, all my love, Diana
I’m sorry life has been this way lately. I hope you hit the upslope soon.