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Ever go for a bra fitting at Victoria's Secret while en drab? If so what kind of reactions did you get from the sales staff? Were they friendly, professional, nenervous, rude, etc? I have thought about going for a bra fitting as a male and was just wondering is all.
For whatever reason, it’s never occurred to me to try it. But now that you mention it, it sounds like it could be really fun. I’m also wondering what the other ladies here think and if anyone’s done it before.
I've been into a couple VS stores(brab), and have found many of the immature SA fairly uppity and cool to my presence, silly them I was prepared to spend$. I can only imagine how thorough the 2 hr. fitting course they get is. My GF had one done there a couple years ago with her friend, what they sold her doesn't fit her worth a crap but fits me just fine hee hee. Theres plenty of dedicated bra boutiques with properly trained fitters, stick with them. Then use that info and go back to VS if you want their styles.
"Razek’s original comments, in which he referred to transgender people as “transsexuals,” an outdated term, implied that transgender models are not worthy of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show."
Backward narrow minded thinking company, sales have been down since 2016.
Hi Victoria. Personnally, I have never bought anything from Victoria Secret. The merchandise was cheesy...more for teeny boppers. All made in China. I have bought a lot of lingerie from Aliexpress, direct from wholesalers.in Asia. Better product at a fraction of the cost. Yes, these store seem to hire the dumbest girls who would rather talk with each other than serve a customer. You do find the odd gem whose is very helpful. Keep the faith!
Dame Veronica
I use an online bra size calculator to find my size and then go shopping. This way I don't have to deal with closed minded SA's.
Have never had a fitting but have bought a few things there , not sure they are worth the cost really , SA's seemed helpful enough
I have gone for a bra fitting in drab. The ladies there didn't even blink an eye. They even helped me pick out styles that would help my figure.