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Good afternoon to everyone. Im new here and I started my dressing when I was a teen. Ive since come to terms that i was born in the wrong body as I dont feel lkke a guy. I love girly things and I feel like myself when I'm able to dress. I currently use ballons filled with water for my breast forms but ive noticed there is hardly any signs of cleavage. Ive been,using tje balloons for almost three years now amd would like to know what else is out there that os inexpensive and can be worn all day and all night.
Hi Samantha,
The old rice/bird seed in the cut off and tied ends pantyhose trick did it for me for many years and I guess you can "mould" this better than balloons. If you take your lippy and "colour in" the reinforced toes hey presto, "aureoles".
Then for "downstairs" cut holes on opposite sides of the panty hose tops, put "yourself" into the hose and then tie it all back behind you.
The "bonus buy" is then a cheap gaff as well.!!
But ultimately, you cannot go past silicon forms and a proper gaff. They make me at least, feel so feminine and if you can get GOOD ones
Hope this helps
PS If you do the above, just make sure you store them away from where mice cant get at 'em.
I did not do so one time and I got "bitten on the boobs". Oh the pain of it all......
<p style="text-align: left;">When you say cut a hole in each side of the panty hose, where are you talking at? I'm trying to achieve the natural breast look amd have been trying to achieve tje flat look for at least a year and cant seem to get it right. The water ballons work for me as s they have that "bounce" that natural breast have. The only down side is that I camt achieve the natural cleavage look and tje balloons are different colors.</p>
Panty Hose Tops: Cut 2 holes directly opposite each other and the method of "gaffing" is thus.
Put "yourself" into the panty hose tops and using the legs, pull it all back between your legs. Bring the p.hose legs around from behind you, one each into each hole as above. Then tie it all off behind your waist.
I stopped using this method years ago, cos a back to front one size too small control brief will just as good a job. Just tuck "everything up" before you pull them up and being back to front there's heaps of support...
But we did start out discussing panty hose.
Found an article and video online how to make tapioca/gelatin breasts, I modified some steps to make it easier when i don't have much time. problem is, you can't make them really big or you need some extra material to keep it from blowing up easy and spilling out, I normally make A or B cups. Other problem is, there made out of food and it turns out there a perfect material to grow all kind of things in it (nutrient solution + body temperature = incubator), so there got a shelf life of a couple days, you can put them in the fridge to keep them longer but there easy and inexpensive to make so I just tose them and make new ones. I am playing around right now with adding preservatives in to make them last longer. nice thing is, there form to your body, move naturally, absorb and match your body temperature and feel good all day, I actually forget many time I have them, there just feel like a part of me. Hope this helps a litte.