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Breast plates Michigan or Ontario canada

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Active Member     London, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago
  1. Hello there I’m just starting out with CD and am looking to purchase a breast plate proble is I don’t know where to start and am unable to find any dealers in Ontario Canada so my ? Is does anyone know of a place in Michigan at all planning a shopping trip in September also if any Michigan or Ontario CD would be intrested in giving the new girl a makeover hit me up😁
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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Roxy,

I'm sure someone knows. Sorry I don't.

But I had a funny thought. At least I think it's funny.

Doesn't "breast plate" sound like something you would order in a restaurant ?

"I was going to have the seafood platter until I saw how it was prepared so I ordered the breast plate instead"

Since I don't have info on breast plates for you I hope I at least made you laugh a little. I am sure someone here has some knowledge regarding affordable quality breast plates.




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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I've never heard of a local store selling those, but I bought one online from Aliexpress. It just appeared one day during routine browsing and I couldn't resist looking further into it. After extensive searching for all the different sizes and shapes, I bought one. Having that huge cleavage on my chest is the best thing ever. I don't use it much though because it is really tight on my neck, makes me sweat like crazy under it, and when I am dressed (one piece swimsuits being my only crossdressing addiction) I prefer to feel the fabric of my swimsuits as I am wearing them. A breast plate takes away a lot of that sensation.

Posts: 2144
Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Ontario, Canada we tend to wear upper tops. That types out still out up and they are very costly. They you would a store here would order to about store just cost one from the USA. I should what would more look like as such as a custom order it.

Dame Veronica


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