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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Okay, ladies.This is why I need your help.I would like to get some breast forms.The single one's not breastplates.I'm currently running A36C.Patted.That work pretty good.They have a little bit of room , So I was wondering. Should I drop the form size down to B or maybe an AI can be really Bang if I go into a 30 eighthat's my? That's my first question. My second question is broaching. The subject with my wife she's on board kinda.  She started this journey with me years and years ago. She most recently bought me an outfit. I have more bronze than she has ever had. I'm just that way. I'm spoiled, but what's all your suggestions? You know? Should I just come right out and say you know I really wanted to get some breast forms and have some jaggly bouncy boobs? I don't know. It's something that I've been thinking about for a quite a while.  Thanks, ladies. Let me know what you all think.


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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 1172

@krissykitty I do have to say I absolutely love my forms and know I moved to a breast plate witch always so many new ideas to the era lol I recommend you definitely getting a set but truly it’s how you feel about have a chest full but the wonders are amazing 🤩 TC keep use posted on what you decide 

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Estimable Member     New York, New York, United States of America
Posts: 61

I've never been sure about breast plates. I like just simple forms that fit nicely in my bras. I feel good with C cups which doesn't have much bounce though that does sound like fun!

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1841

@krissykitty I love mine and the weight and shape is something of a reassurance. I generally wear a C cup, but also have B and D-sized forms. 

I broached the subject of how I wanted to look in Anna mode and how forms would make outfits look better.

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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 57

@annaredhead thanks Anna, I wear a padded 36 c with some room to spare do you think a b cup will fill the void with out being over bearing?


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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1841

@krissykitty I think to try a smaller form, even a chicken fillet which will possibly be more accepted.

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Estimable Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
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My thinking is, if your wife is on board with it, and is buying you outfits, then why not explore this with her.  Unfortunately, this is a luxury I do not have.  My wife knows, but is not supportive of it, so I still tend to hid it from her.  I bring this up because, when I bought my Brest forms, I place teh order through the breastform store, and they arrived in an unmarked box that I simply told my wife was something for the garage.  She did not suspect a thing.

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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 57

@patricia1970 Thanks, sweetheart.That story is about exactly the same as mine.My wife is a little supportive a little but she says I can be selfish when it comes to things so I guess I'll just try to play it by ear and see if I could just Slide them in Like You did.Thanks for your advice.Have a great evening

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Reputable Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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Krissy, Since your wife in somewhat onboard. Why not start with a conversation, I would like to put on the outfit you bought and see if you still like it, once dressed, state something like I'd like to fill out my bra better. What do you think we can do? See where the conversation goes.

When I came out, breast was a no., I bought some anyway, hide them for a while and one day we dressed, as our terms were in a better place. Decided to pull them out and put them in. Zero questions.

So good luck in your ventures.





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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 10 months ago

That my sweetheart is a great way of trying to do it.The idea is perfect.I'll give it a shot.But let everybody kno and then figure out how I could put my results on here.Thanks everyone I appreciate everything chrisay it krissy feels so good being here

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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There are many threads here about dealing breast forms. Do a good forum search and inform yourself. Use your new knowledge to have a conversation with your wife.

Presuming that you receive approval to wear them, you can get a variety of inexpensive forms in different small weights (say from 150-300g). Fantasy sizes may not go over well with your wife. That way you can experiment and learn what works with your body and your clothes.

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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 57

@harriette thanks so much for you're input I feel as I am getting braver at each step of this journey, I have been this way for so long but finally got out of my  shell my thoughts are krissy is here to stay and am not going backwards thanks so much sweetheart for the great advise

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4023

Posted by: @krissykitty

I feel as I am getting braver at each step of this journey, I have been this way for so long but finally got out of my  shell

Think about it. All a crossdresser has to do, to get comfortable, is to go up against the whole of her society. That does take bravery.

However, we all do this in our own way. CDH can guide you on your big journey and we love hearing stories about new adventures. You've got this!


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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 10 months ago

Thanks so much this place has been a great experience and has helped me get where I want to be 

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(@Anonymous 100275)
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Because of the way i dress, i first went for a cheep size "A" but after a while i went up one size to "B" tear drop shape, these for me are really great, love the size and i don't need to go bigger, i did once knew someone who went for "E" cup size and was the same slim build as myself...

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Estimable Member     Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 10 months ago

Thank you so much for your input. In in your opinion, do you think it's a teardrop is better than the ones?I'm looking after like a triangular kind of shape.

I would like to know

Thanks so much, sweetheart.I appreciate your your feedback.e.p.e.I.t.h.s.we


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