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Bet that got your attention!
I mean in the sense of a flash mob.
I'm in Brighton unexpectedly on Saturday 16th August.
Any girls so inclined and in the locality are encouraged to just turn up and/or message me through this site. Best if you message me before Saturday as I don't have much data left.
Note: This is in the public spirit of CDH only. Any naughtiness will be frowned upon. There are plenty of places in Brighton for that, and I am not going there!
Hope to see you!
Love Laura
Er, the 16th August 2019 isn’t a Saturday! Gilly
Er, the 16th August 2019 isn’t a Saturday! Gilly
Well she did say it was unexpected! Or we've got 6 years to plan.
Hmm, just a 3+ hour drive away, including the M25 (aka the largest circular car park in the world incorporating cone world.) Perhaps not...
My fingers must've slipped on this tiny phone keypad!
You're absolutely right.
17th it is...
And I've booked a makeover for 1pm *excited*
Daily *bump* :0)
The guy doing my makeover has bundled in an hour's shopping trip with photos, so I'll have some company for a while - would love to show off my makeover in person to any southern UK girls!
Love Laura