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I took a pretty heavy fall on my morning run today, tripping over a rock I have run past hundreds of times.
Possibly broken a couple of fingers on my right (main) hand, taken skin off both sides of my right hand (how), skinned both elbows quite badly, skinned the palm of my left hand, gashed left leg, skinned right leg, bruised from chest to ankles. I kept my head up so am fine there.
So a split second lapse of concentration means there's no way I can fasten a bra or put a pair of tights on, never mind walk in heels.
I was actually thinking through today's outfit - now a pair of shorts and loose rugby shirt instead of a pretty dress.
What other daft things has anyone done which ruined a day en-femme?
I'm so sorry to hear this Anna. Fractured fingers are always particularly painful and limiting. I hope it isn't the actual case for you. I had a similar experience a few months ago where I tripped over a tree root and went face first into the tree. I banged myself up pretty good and it curtailed much of my activities for a few weeks until I healed. I hope you have a quick recovery and can get back into action very soon!
Sorry to hear of your injuries, heal quickly. I have never had an injury while running en femme, but I have run en femme only a few times. But, I have crashed and burned a few times while running. The worse was when I got to close to a barbedwire fence which snaged my shirt. I got yp looking like I was attacked by a leopard...I still have a 4" scar on my bicep.
Women do not stop dressing when injured, they just adapt, and so can you. Just find things in your wardrobe that you can wear.
I'm so sorry for you Anna not a good way to start the New Year. I wish you a speedy recovery and please take care of yourself.
Really sorry to hear about your injuries Anna. Let’s hope those fingers are just sprained rather than fractured.
Hugs, Joanna 💕
Oh my Anna! You are going to hurt for awhile, hope you can take something to lessen those 'owwies' a bit, hope healing comes quickly. 😢
Hi Anna so sorry to hear about your mishap, I've not dressed since i had my makeover and it will be awhile before i get the chance again, besides that I've not really had any bad mishaps to stop me dressing,
Maybe you could hire a maid to help with your dressing up, lol, I hope you don't think I'm laughing at you it's not very funny being in pain,
Love and good wishes for the new year Anna,
Love Roz ❤️
I hope that you have a good recovery Anna. One incident I do recall was getting myself ready for a trip out when by chance I my diary and realised I had an appointment elsewhere which meant a rapid change and out the door to be there on time.
Im so sorry you fell and hurt yourself badly. It sucks to be so beat up that you can’t dress up. I wish you a speedy recovery so you can dress again.
Hey Anna, Sorry that it's bad but glad that it's not worse. I'm hoping to hear about a fast recovery. Hugs, Marg
Sorry to hear about your injuries. This is not what the insurance company means when they say "Get a piece of the rock."
A number of years ago my (then spouse now ex) told me something that had me seething. It was just starting to get dark and I just had to get out of the house before I blew up.
It was just starting to get dark when I went out for a walk, and was dark before i got home. There are no sidewalks over most of the walk. I was almost home when I passed a church. I stepped down off the grass to the driveway, but didn't see the curb on the other end. I tripped and fell over.
I was a little bloody, a little bit scraped. But when I got home and cleaned up, I found I also gave myself a black eye.
Now I wasn't planning on doing anything en femme, but for the next two weeks I glad I knew a little bit about makeup and had makeup that matched my skin tone, because I was putting on enough to minimize the black eye. I was wearing glasses at the time so that also helped to hide it. For the first week I even brought some makeup to work to touch it up during the day.
Another time I went out to the car to warm it up. There was freezing rain overnight. I didn't realize that the top of my steps (only 6 thankfully) was black ice. I slipped and fell down the steps, and ended up bleeding and hurting on my left hand (I'm a righty). I immediately took off my wedding ring, figuring it would swell. That was a wise decision. My finger hurt for a long time afterwards, and I was never able to get the ring back on. Even today the lower joint feels swolen. In retrospect I probably broke it and the swelling is the extra bone the body puts on a broken joint. So now my left hand needs a larger ring size than my left to get over this joint.
Nasty way to ring in the new year. Feel better Anna!
Hi Anna!
I hope your fingers aren't broken and you recover quick!
At the end of last winter I was drab power walking and slipped on a muddy patch. I went down on the street and bashed my forehead. Managed to bruise my right arm and knee pretty good. The head slap on the pavement made me so dizzy I called my wife to come and get me. We went to urgent care where the doctor glued my gashed forehead closed. I had a mild concussion but at least I didn't need stitches. The arm and shoulder were sore enough I didn't want to attempt putting a bra on for about a week.
Happy New Year!
Anna -
So sorry to hear about your mishap, hopefully your bad luck has been used for the year.
Please be sure to get checked out, sometimes injuries are worse then we think they are.
Wishing you a speedy recovery and return to dressing.
What a horrible way to start the New Year I hope you mend quickly