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- Tell me what clothing gives you thee most femme feeling, and can't get enough.
It's the lingerie for me!!
They are the Most attractive stuff for me and the inspiration for me being a cd is lingerie. So many variations. It's always exciting to get into lingerie and look at ourselves in the mirror. It's the best feeling.😍😍
Dresses. Always dresses.
yes agreed so much to choose from and the feel is amazing, thanks for reply ....Angela
I would say slips, silky soft lace. The feeling of them rubbing against my pantyhose clad legs makes me feel oh so fem.
Dresses and skirt rubbing against my pantyhose encased legs
Hello Angela, It has to be lingerie for me, the feeling when you wear knickers or tights is just so great. Worn under a lovely dress you feel like a lovely girl. love, Helenmarie
Elegant dresses
lingerie (of course!)
and fake nails (do they count?)
the nails especially as they they feel like part of me while they’re on, they change how I interact (and type!!)
Tricky to choose, but I like a nice net petticoat under a suitable dress. I do like to swish, flounce and twirl, and a petticoat makes that just perfect 🙂
Lingerie and heels!!
what style panties what style panties do you like to wear thongs g-string?
Definitely bras and panties!
I thought this would be an easy one with high heels and brassieres however after reading the other post it's much more difficult. Why must we choose. it's all wonderful.
haha have to choose, because everyone has a fav.....Love Angela