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<p style="text-align: left;">For married and couples , does your partner like you being CD and can you be free to dress when you want?</p>
Hi Angela, my SO knows I am a CD. I am sure she would prefer that I don't dress en femme. She has seen me in full makeup in a cocktail dress but prefers that I keep my dressing a little less over the top. Being retired, I get to dress everyday. But I do keep it pretty natural to fit in appropriately i.e. tank top, shorts and canvas flats in the summer; leggings, sweaters and indoor booties in the winter. And of course wearing a bra & panties daily. Sometimes if she thinks I am starting to look a little too "girly" she will let me know. Often she will just let it slide. I have offered her some of my outfits to wear but she passed on them.
She really doesn't want others to know that I am a CD (especially our kids & grandkids). I have told a few people and have gone out dressed to a restaurant with another CD here in our city. When my wife and I are out together at a restaurant, I'm often mistaken for female which drives my wife crazy. And she lets the poor waitress know that I'm a guy, not a gal. So we don't go out that often any more as my hair is now longer than hers.
I would really like her support but she refuses to talk about it. I push her boundaries daily trying to get away wearing more femme clothes around the house. It seems to work for us. I'm sure every couple is different, it is just finding what works. Hugs, Krista
Yes you are absolutely right. Keep pushing the boundries with your wife , she will come around,its so important at any age to enjoy life, and you seem to enjoy being a CD, . Nice that you can wear bra and panties daily. Can you sit and watch TV as a CD? Have dinner as CD? Just enjoy ...Angela
Mine accepts it and I would be free to dress whenever I wanted, if I had the time.
Still in the closet so no.
My SO knows and tolerate it but kind of under protest. She doesn't want anyone else to know and for now that's ok with me but I would like our kids to know, maybe this fall when they are all back home.
I'm not going out so that part isn't a problem but I do dress home whenever I have a chance (=we are alone). When I ask her she can pick out outfits for me and when I do it myself she gives comments on it and suggestions to change. She have even helped me pick out things in stores but that is pushing it, especially when I tried on some heels by walking around in the store for a while.
My wife is ok with it as long as the kid's don't see. I can under dress and wear womens' jeans at home when ever I want.
My SO knows and encourages me to get dolled up! If she had her way she would throw all the drab clothes out . In fact she says I don’t dress enough! I’m sorry I just can’t do my chores when I’m all dolled up! I don’t want to break a nail or get grease on my pretty clothes! I know a lot of you girls would do anything for a SO like her. I do my best to keep her happy!
Stay beautiful,
I came out to my wife about my desire to dress before I started shopping for any clothing. She was very appreciative of the fact I was up front with her and thus she is accepting and somewhat supportive. She is not a girly girl and she does not understand why women want to wear women's clothes let alone her husband. While she is not someone I can go to for advice or share my dressing experiences with, she will let me know if I go over the top in my clothing choices.
I think mine still wonders what life would be like if I wasn't a CD, but in the eleven years since I came out to her, her own confidence and comfort with being out and about with me has grown, and we've done things together that I don't think we'd have done if I didn't crossdress. So it's give here experiences she possibly wouldn't have had.
She is aware that my being able to crossdress has made me happier, better adjusted and more confident person, and those are desirable traits in any husband 😀
I am fortunate that my wife is supportive and when we have time – like once a week or so – we dress up together and go out for the evening. She's my fashion maven and helpfully critiques my wardrobe. She also enjoys meeting other CDs and SOs.
And she pushed me a little to get to know other CDs/SOs in the area, which I started doing this spring. Fashion shows at home can be fun, but it has been much more refreshing to meet other sisters/kindred spirits.
My wife knows but it's still not great. She accepts it but doesn't like it and definitely doesn't want to be with me when I'm me. It's been an uphill battle for years with several melt downs and a couple of short term separations. She now realizes this is me and that's it and has actually opened up a bit to have conversations not arguments about it. I helped a young girl last year who was doing her masters thesis in psychology in a study on the trans gendered and she read it and said she learned a few things and understood how I felt a little better. Small steps, that's all I can hope for.
Hi gurls,
My wife was semi supportive, I could dress in front of her at home no problem, but with the frequency of my dressing and enthusiasm increasing and in particular my feminine mannerisms becoming more dominant, It totally turned her off.
I was also spending too much on feminine stuff without her knowing.
she was to the point of considering divorce.
We agreed I would not do it in front of her.
And control my spending and be more open.
So she is not very tolerant.
I hope this arrangement will work.
I love her so much, but at the same time I love dressing and being feminine very much also and I couldn't quit if I wanted.
Absolutely not! She does not accept it at all.
I maybe fooling myself, thinking my wife does not notice when I'm in "hybrid mode". It is pretty obvious, will be today.
I'm in my gurl jeans with the little zippers at the ankles (I love these jeans), my new loafers that she has not seen yet, panties and cammie, with my "guy" shirt, that is a more festive colorful shirt, so as not to look too guy like. I can't wear makeup, do my nails or hair, would love to, but I know that would be going too far.
Today I'm experimenting with going out using the purse I recently bought. My wife was with me when I bought it, and in fact I had shown it to her. She liked it, thought it was "cool", so we'll see.
She (and my kids) fully support the LGBTQ community, but with her I feel at times its a "not in my backyard" situation. I get it, it's hard to deal with. When she first met me I was and still can be, a quietly macho guy. Cowboy, armature musician, gregarious, (I'm not boasting), but I had this other side that she was not aware of for a long time and when she did become aware, it was a real shock.
Love you gals and I'm so glad to have you all to "talk" with.
My wife likes me to be Roberta.We are both in our fifties and retired from our jobs.As a result most days when I am at home I dress in front of her.I have good taste in clothes and look quite presentable when dressed as Roberta but I still value my wife's advice.She chooses my outfit of the day matches my tops with my skirts.We have the same taste in clothes and have great girly fun pouring over Womens fashion catalogues decididing what to order.I love it when I try on a new outfit and my wife says "that's nice".Naturally I reciprocate when she tries something new on.