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Today, I am celebrating 15 years of freedom from prostate cancer! Without the diligence of my primary care physician, who made sure I had an annual PSA test, my prostate cancer would not have been found early. The early diagnosis allowed the removal of my prostate before any of the cancer was outside the prostate.
Please gurls, it’s important to have that annual PSA test. Yes, it is a blood test but the early diagnosis made my treatment and recovery much easier.
So glad you are free and wise words to the rest of us.
Congratulations! Had my annual in August and came through good! 👍
Many blessings to you, early diagnosis can save you live, my sister was diagnosed a bit late, now she has been battling, of course no prostate as she is my biological sister, any type of cancer can be fatal.
Go Gurl!!! That is the best.
Jamie -
Congrats on 15 years that is wonderful. Totally agree with getting an annual physical and blood work. I have a family history of prostate and colon cancer so am pretty diligent on getting the tests I need, although I admit I'm a bit late for a colonoscopy. The test isn't bad, it's the damn prep. I had a colonoscopy a few years ago that showed a large mass in my colon. Had surgery for a bowel resection, the biopsy came back benign so I was lucky.
Hope you continue to have good health.
Congratulations on being cancer free for so long. I too have been declared cancer free last month, although they're doing another CT scan this week to make sure nothing has changed in the last few months. It's not prostate cancer I had, but in the top of the intestinal tract just below the stomach. Don't be afraid to go to the doctor. You stand a much better chance if it is caught early.
Great news, Jamie!
And as mentioned, the annual physical is vital, as we age.
Once you are 65 y.o. and on Medicare, the cost of an annual physical, including lab work, given by your PCP, is completely 100% covered by Medicare, no out-of-pocket expense to you at all.
Congratulations Jamie being 15 years cancer free!