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Has anybody else encountered the sensor on Flickr or elsewhere with your gallery of images after years of no problems?
A few months ago I had my page closed off to viewers altogether, only after about 4 uploads had I realised my posts had no reaction at all. I contacted them and get 'Claire' with her copy and paste guild lines about exposure and paraphilia. I get examples of the images and that there could be more on each occasion. I have just sent back a 4th email expressing my alterations and please check again as well as surprise at a few images being unsuitable.
I admit I do express more of a passion for clothing specifics and I don't share many fully outfitted crossdressing images, that is because I am still not there on my journey. The clothing came first. I do feel though that if you are always clothed with genitals exposed, that that acceptable. One image is of me in jodphurs and riding boots with tights over the top, yes I know odd. Some of us play with food, others play with clothing ideas. But I am covered in opaque material, no bulge and a side-on pose. Why?
Is this discrimination? I hate to even go down this route, why, because I always thought that this card can appear overplayed somewhat, and I am not the type to mardy about things like this. But it seems that way! At the same time I feel it is wrong to take it the wrong way and feel shamed by expressing ourselves in something a catwalk model or Cher would not get censored for. What is wrong with my buttocks in pantyhose and a high cut leotard anyway.
Love to know your experiences of this?
Sarah xx
Flickr and Tumblr have increased their level of censorship, but their application is all over the place.
I had a Flickr account with lots of nudity that lasted until I stopped using it, forgot the password. I just checked - I opened it in 2014 and it is still there!
I had a Tumblr account that got cancelled after about 10 years. My new one is still there after about a year.
Yet you can find all kinds of adult material on both platforms without trying too hard.
I wish that sites would just have a very strict policy that would separate sexually oriented content.
Hi Sarah. I canceled my Flickr account a little while ago. I never had any photos censored, and had a whole lot of them out there. I heard that Flickr wants people to convert to paying subscriptions to get a revenue stream from as many users as possible. I had heard some girls say that they were censored too and after they went to a pay for use plan, that they had no problem posting whatever they wanted.
Now for the real reason that I left. I got a little tired of all the weirdos out there that liked to show things that shouldn’t be seen. I also started getting weird e-mails that claimed they would out me to everyone in my phone directory unless I paid them in bit coin. While I don’t believe they could do that, I just decided that I needed a more secure clean monitored site and I was already here. So, I don’t want to expose myself to any more people than I do on this site. So, you are definitely better off here.