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Hi There Ladies,
As you know, I really don't post much. Aside from the article that I posted when I first joined, I rarely post at all! This is because I feel like that I have a split personality. There's a part of me that has no desire to dress. Then there is another part of me that wants to dress full femme, modify my body, and wonder what it would be like to live as a full time woman? Honestly, it is a fantasy that I do not know if it will ever become a reality.
While I identity myself as a heterosexual, I very regularly look at women's clothes on Facebook and wonder what it would be like to try things on?
Also, while I have an enfemme name here, I much prefer to go by my male name. I guess I am just a guy who is interested in crossdressing with fantasies! I'd love it if a woman could take care and crossdress me, but the reality is that most women have no desire whatsoever to be romantically involved with a man who crossdresses.
My desires to crossdress has gone down dramatically, and yet I desire to contour my body into a woman's shape and have authentic breasts!
Does anyone else relate to any of this? I'd love to hear your responses!
I can relate Victoria. That is what I like about this forum. I have been able to further explore Amber and who she is. It is nice to have a venue where I am known as Amber and viewed as a girl. Best of luck to you.
Victoria - Rose. thank you for your post. There is nothing wrong with your thoughts. I think we all dream about what it would be like to be something or someone else beside who we really are. A female, a president, a jet pilot, a soldier, an animal, a bird....well you know what I mean.
Boy/Girl............dream and be all you wish to dream.....FREEDOM of THOUGHT.....that they cannot take from us.
Dame Veronica
Yes I believe I can relate. I really haven’t crossdressed since I was young. Now for. The last few MonthsThis is all I can think about. Occasionally Through years I would think about dressing and Mabey changing my sexuality. So I don’t know what I am sometimes. All I know now I feel great. With tight fitting panties and massaging my breast to try an enlarge them.
I think we can all relate. It's not uncommon to have confusion when you start out or start back up after a few years. I like being a guy (it's sure easier to shop LOL) but I love dressing in woman's clothes also. There was a time I thought I wanted to live full time as a woman, but over time I realized that I just want their clothes! 🙂 I wear different things on different days, but I always wear panties. Men's underwear is too uncomfortable. I come home from work and change into something more comfortable and soft and pretty. What I put on depends on my mood. I do have a GF that does support me and even takes me shopping or surprises me with something. I do wear makeup but not that often. I usually wear full on lingerie and make up when we are making love, but not always. I have to respect the fine line of who the woman of the house is! 🙂 Barbara has been a part of me for over 50 years and I just consider her part of my fabric, who I am. (it's a soft pretty pink fabric 🙂 )
I have to agree with a lot of what you say. I love being a guy, but I also love dressing up and imagining if I were a girl too. Physically with the corresponding body parts, but more emotionally and in 'feeling' than anything else, at least how I perceive it. I can't help it. You'd have to be one heck of a lucky guesser if you picked me out of a crowd for it though. I do wear panties every day for comfort, and to let that feminine feeling filter through my otherwise totally male self. As a man I am attracted to women, but also partially with my understanding as a woman. My desire to cross and dress is strong, but I have no desire to modify my body in reality, just in my own head sometimes.
hi Victoria-rose. I think that's a very constructive way of putting it. I myself have periods where I dont cross dress, like recently, where ive had to be in male mode just to keep the family home together with huge responsibilities and stress. that said, the urge to dress never leaves me, but its just not practical at the moment owing to a lot to do. I definitely have a split personality. fiona is nothing like me as a male, we dont even have the same interests! that sounds crazy doesn't it? I look at fiona as a projection of what I really would like to be, practical or impractical.
nothing wrong with fantasies! they give you hope! look at me, I dress as a 16 yr old femme cross dresser and i'm a 48 yrs young male, now that's a fantasy!
love fiona xxx