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Christmas Shopping in Fem!

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
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Hi everyone!


I know some of you girls are quite comfortable going out in public and some of you aren’t. 

I just had to share my experience I had today. I love shopping in fem, usually buying things for me, but today I ventured out to the mall and to a Target store and did all my Christmas shopping for the family. It was so fun, as I let go of all and my inhibitions and just owned being a woman. I loved it! I interacted with store attendants and other customers, walking the aisles, holding up against myself female clothing items and standing in checkout lines. It felt so natural. I was called ma’am several times and it felt so right!

I’ve come along way in my journey, and CDH has helped to inspire me. I’m hoping I can inspire some of you as well!

I posted a pic in the pic section if you want to see. 

Anyways, please share some of your experiences, if you feel inclined to do so and Merry Christmas! 🥰


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Eminent Member     Akron, Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 20

What a great day indeed.

You have definitely inspired me to try and find the courage to go out shopping EnFemme.

Merry Christmas.



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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
Posts: 71


Best wishes, Anastasia!


Merry Christmas! 🥰

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 1017

@lisagurlll Lisa I enjoyed reading this post about your public outing. Several things struck me as I read it. First, the pic you posted. Even thought you “sharpied” through your face we can see you present very well. I always wonder why girls who are out in public uncovered, post a pic with their face hidden here on CDH? Curious about that as I see it regularly here.

The other thing is the ongoing discussion here on whether to stay inside or go out. To your photo again, I completely recognize the setting you’re in as you said you went to Target to shop. As a “professional pantyhose spotter” I can say that if I saw you pushing a cart through the aisles of that store I would have definitely made sure I got a good look at you. Pantyhose sightings are rare everywhere these days and I always appreciate them. But they stick out like a sore thumb IMHO. And that made me think: If I’m going out as Grace the best way NOT to be spotted by anyone in my inner circle is to forgo the pantyhose, dress, etc and dress androgynously. Way easier to blend in. But also way less fun.

Posts like yours are helpful for me because they assist me in figuring out where I’m at on the CD scale. If I were to emulate your experience I know I’d be way too paranoid about standing out, being spotted, attracting undue attention, etc.  But if I went the other way and really blended in with unisex apparel, I wouldn’t get as much out of it. Better for me to go to a big CD event somewhere where everyone is all dolled up. Seems much more in my wheelhouse.

Again, thanks for the “slice of real life” post. They are always some of the most interesting and thought provoking.


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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
Posts: 71


Hi Grace!


Thank you for your response! The pantyhose issue has been around for awhile. Like all good things they go out of style! I’ve found the best time to wear them is during winter and fall. The black hosiery, or styled hosiery still holds fashion during these times with skirts, heels, boots, etc, and I’ve had no problem wearing them in public. I’ve noticed other girls (ggs) wearing them also. Earlier in the day I had met with my therapist and she concurred with this when I asked if I was standing out with my look. 

I really try to see what other girls are wearing and try to blend in as much as possible, at the same time feeling like I’m well dressed for the situation. The colder weather makes it ideal for tights or black stockings! Being only 5’7” in height also helps too! 

Oh! And with regard to the covering of the face, I still have to live as a man in my personal and professional life. I feel the likely hood of someone seeing a pic of me online is far greater than running into someone in public. I’m not out and I have family members and my professional life to consider. It’s just the way I feel and I’ll do what’s best for my circumstances. I’m happy for you that you can do what’s best for you and makes you feel comfortable! 

All the best, Merry Christmas! 🥰

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 1017

@lisagurlll Well thanks for the clarification and satisfying my curiousity Lisa. Totally understand your situation. I’ve not posted a “public” pic as of yet and don’t have any plans to. I’m a private girl, as are you and see no reason to give myself a hard way to go by being “out” in public. Merry Christmas to you as well!🥰

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1325

Posted by: @gracepal

Pantyhose sightings are rare everywhere these days and I always appreciate them. But they stick out like a sore thumb IMHO. And that made me think: If I’m going out as Grace the best way NOT to be spotted by anyone in my inner circle is to forgo the pantyhose, dress, etc and dress androgynously. Way easier to blend in. But also way less fun.

Why so? Are you saying that pantyhose are only worn by cross-dressers and/or that GGs hardly ever wear them?

I tend not to wear pantyhose (or tights as we call them in the UK) as my skirts are worn with boots and my legs can't really be seen.

You've got me worrying now that if I do wear shoes or a shorter skirt and wear tights, I'll be seen as a cross-dresser by that fact alone.





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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@rebeccabaxter I didn’t and would never say pantyhose are only worn by ctossdressers. I’m definitely saying that GGs hardly ever wear pantyhose in the numbers that they used to. It’s mostly bare legs on ladies no matter the weather. Or the age of the woman. There are still some tights sightings, mainly black, in the winter mostly. Nylon covered legs just don’t happen very often here in the US anymore. So little that if they do, it’s an anomaly.

So yeah, if I see a lady pushing a shopping cart in a department store wearing a dress and pantyhose it’ll definitely be drawing my attention. If it’s a GG, great. If it’s a crossdresser - I’ll know. That’s all I’m saying.

If I were to venture out into the public and wanted to be incognito- the last outfit I would choose to wear would be a dress with pantyhose and heels.🥰

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1325

@gracepal I'll have to look next time I'm out and see how many GGs are wearing hosiery of some description, TBH, it's not something I've taken much notice of. I do have some pairs but, as I said, I hardly ever wear them due to my style of dress. I think if I was going to the theatre and was wearing a shorter skirt or shoes I might consider it, but I find them rather uncomfortable as they tend to roll down at the waist. I shave my legs and in the summer, since I wear shorts in drab most of the time, I get a bit of a tan which negates the need for tights (fortunately).


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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 1017

@rebeccabaxter Well Becca, you obviously don’t share my pantyhose obsession girl.🤣

I married my second wife because she wore pantyhose all the time, srsly! Alas, good marriages are not built upon pantyhose alone🤷‍♀️ There needs to be more apparently 🤣!

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Reputable Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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@lillylegzzllylegzzsagurlll Quite a few years ago, after recovering to a point from becoming a widower, ( my wife was very negative about Genivieve) I began to explore my feminine side at a level I had never had before. My adult children all lived far from me so a surprise visit was not an issue. One day I walked into a Lane Bryant shop in drab and was browsing when one of the sales associates asked me if I needed help? I said yes and told her I needed an outfit for me. She was very helpful and we started with a bra fitting, followed by panties, daywear and on to tops, skirts and dresses. That was in the fall and I left the shop that day with a good start at building my feminine wardrobe. Later that year I went shopping for Christmas gifts (for Genivieve) en femme. The associate and I had become friends and I shopped at that store regularly. Genivieve’s Christmas gift was a darling red lace overlay skirt and top, and a deliciously feminine nightgown. Because of the welcoming way I was treated at that particular Lane Bryant shop, I began to shop en femme most of the time. Usually I wore more casual women’s clothing, but I learned an important little detail. If you go shopping en femme, it is difficult to keep your hair in place when you are putting clothing over your head. Most often I would wear jeans sensible shoes, and a top that opened in front. That way trying on most things was less trouble and my hair stayed nice. I loved shopping en femme and visited many stores after that first experience. Never once did I have a cold or negative reaction from the associates in the stores. Of course I did my best to fit in with dress and over-all appearance, I still always asked if it was alright for a girl like me to try things on in that store. The sales people were awesome and helped me to choose cute outfits that fit me well. If you haven’t shopped en femme, I would encourage you to give it a try. Merry Christmas everyone!

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
Posts: 71

@geniv_cd such a wonderful story with the best results! 🥰

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Reputable Member     Blearmill, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 174

@lisagurlll I saw the pic in the photo section.   You fit right in with the rest of the women!   

It can be so liberating to be out in public, whether it’s shopping, eating or just taking in the day.   

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
Posts: 71

@kimdl94  Thank you, Kim! 🥰

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@lisagurlll Shopping is always great for me when I'm dressed authentically.   It's great to try things on to check the look and fit right there in the store to avoid the potential hassle of returns.   The problem for me with Christmas shopping is I tend to get into the one for them, one for me situation... Happy Woman Face !

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
Posts: 71


Haha! That’s so funny Lauren! I totally know what you mean! 


Merry Christmas! 🥰

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 77

@lisagurlll Sounds like an amazing day to me! I remember my first time out en femme was to an Ulta store. God the feeling of anxiety was unbearable. Sitting in the parking lot, I was critiquing every part of myself. Hair looks messy to me, is my makeup passable, can you see my shapewear lines, what do I do if someone asks a question and I have to speak, what I am clocked, what I see someone I know??? It’s truly a frightening step to take. I was able to find some new foundation, eye shadow palettes, and a few other things with no incident. A sweet employee came and asked if I needed any help and used my best awful girl voice to say no thank you as meekly as you can imagine, then scurried away like a mouse caught in the kitchen. As I went to the checkout, I had to wait in line for a few minutes with a few girls. I felt like there were eyes on me the entire time and they had to know and resent me. In the end, I was able to check out with the cashiers that were nothing but nice to me. As I strode back to the car, bag in hand, I felt like I had climbed a mountain I’d been training for my whole life. I took that and strutted into another store without a second thought and owned it. These days with 3 young kids, time to get out en femme just don’t seem to happen anymore. I’m mentally planning to get back into the groove and get out again, just need to get the guts again lol. Hope you all can keep it up and never let the fear stop you from your fun:)

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
Posts: 71

@rebeccaoh I love your story Rebecca! I think we can all relate to it! Can’t wait to hear that you’re back at it!


Merry Christmas! 🥰

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Reputable Member     New York, United States of America
Posts: 289

@lisagurlll that sounds like a day well spent.  I did lots of Christmas shopping.  I don’t go in feminine attire but I’m not afraid to buy things in public either.  I’ve bought 4 dresses, two pair of heels and lingerie this past month.  I try them all on and love it.   Some day I’ll dress and shop but I love it anyways.  
wish you were closer we could go dress hunting.

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
Posts: 71

@rosiebeth it was a wonderful day indeed. I wish you were closer too. I would love to go dress shopping with you!


Merry Christmas! 🥰

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Reputable Member     New York, United States of America
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@lisagurlll merry Christmas and a very happy new year.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Lisa -

How wonderful for you. To be able to get out and about to do your holiday shopping while dressed. I must say I am a bit jealous. My circumstances are such that I'm not able to do that at this point but hope in the future I can. I hope you get more opportunities to go shopping en femme.

Merry Christmas


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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
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Thank you Suzanne! I hope your circumstances improve!!!

Merry Christmas! 🥰

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @cdsue

To be able to get out and about to do your holiday shopping while dressed. I must say I am a bit jealous. My circumstances are such that I'm not able to do that at this point but hope in the future I can.

Maybe your wife will compromise as a New Year's resolution. (Maybe not.) Good luck! 


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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@harriette thanks for the idea - she is getting a bit more liberal in what I can do will see what the New Year brings - I'll be sure to keep you updated



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CDH helped inspire me to go out in the world as Fiona 32 months ago Lisa. It is remarkable how much of an impact being here has had on my life.

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
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@d44 that’s wonderful, Fiona! 🥰

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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Hi Lisa,

Holiday shopping enfemme is so much fun!  I usually change my mind a few times before venturing out to the car to brush off snow from the car.  I hope you found some terrific sales and something nice for yourself.


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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
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@aliceunderwire  hi Alice! I used to be so nervous to get out of the car and walk into a mall. I would walk I through the parking lot but not go in. Eventually I did,  starting slow with walking in and out to where I am now. It was nerve racking at first yet such a thrill at the same time!
I hope you’re able to get yourself to where you’re comfortable and happy if you do it! 
oh, and yes I found some great sales! 

Merry Christmas! 🥰

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
Posts: 7828

@lisagurlll Hi Lisa,

I know what you mean.  Walking into a mall or store enfemme can be very scary but it’s so much fun and thrilling.  But the SA’s want your business to pay the rent.  Some are on commission so really want a sale.  I think once you accept that the excitement beats out the fear and you can be yourself.  That’s fabulous you found some great sales and deals!


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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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Well, it doesn't have to be for Christmas as we shop all the time. If we do Christmas shopping it's not what you would think. While I'm drifting towards the lingerie and shoes she's pulling me to the decorations, the ornaments, the trees. We have different ideas of what to decorate LOL. 

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
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Hi Cheryl! You’re so right. It’s so fun! Victoria Secret or ornaments?  I love shopping all the time. I’ve posted pics of other shopping escapades as well. I  can see why women love to shop!


Merry Christmas! 🥰

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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
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Not sure if this counts as Christmas shopping, but I bought Christmas cards for my wife and parents a few weeks back while out and about en femme. Hadn't really intended to buy them, but I spotted a nice small independent card / gift shop. The lady owner was very nice and friendly.

I rarely go shopping en femme, other than for a take away coffee, or in this case, buying cards. They are only small shopping interactions, but always really enjoyable.

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Estimable Member     Diamond Bar, California, United States of America
Posts: 71

@judevderl hi Judy! I believe this counts! Well done, sister! 

Merry Christmas!



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