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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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For sure if I was Cinderella I would have stopped to pick up my shoe after it came off. My heels are a large part of my outfits. Anyone else think the same way?

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(@Anonymous 96533)
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@gil For sure! How could a girl live without her heels!?!  Especially sexy glass heels!

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Absolutely! Heels complete the look, whatever I'm wearing and they feel so good!

So, I would have taken off the other one, picked up the dropped one and then made up the time easily cos I can't run in heels!

Allie x

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Cinderella had only herself to blame. It was her own bad planning that got her into this position in the first place.

Let's home in on just three of her poor decisions.

1). There's all that business with pumpkins that turn into carriages, then back again at midnight. What a ridiculous business plan. It must have caught lots of people out over the years. If Cinderella had anything about her she would have checked online, read the inevitable series of highly critical customer reviews, and then ordered an Uber instead.

2). Who, knowing that they're going to be dancing the night away, decides to opt for glass shoes? That tells you everything you need to know about Cinderella's thinking skills. Apart from the sheer discomfort, and the unacceptable risk level, they'd chip very easily. If she absolutely HAD to go for transparent footwear then a modern toughened acrylic substitute such as Plexiglass would have been a better choice.

3). Since she must have already realised that a few hours on the dance floor would all but cripple her, why didn't she think to bring a pair of sneakers that she could change into for the journey home? Again, poor forward planning.

Is it any surprise that someone like this loses a shoe and decides that the best option is to hobble off rather than stop and put it on again?

Ellie x

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Reputable Member     Kingsport, Tennessee, United States of America
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@ellyd22 Ha HA, well said.


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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Laugh Cry

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While we're on the subject, I have to say that Prince Charming doesn't come out a whole lot better from all of this.

He wants to find out who he was dancing with. Okay, fair enough.

But what's his game plan?

Oh yes  ... he decides that he's going to go around knocking on doors to see who the carelessly-discarded glass slipper is going to fit.

Again, there are some obvious problems with this that he just hasn't thought through.


  • Unless this is a really tiny Kingdom, this is going to take months. Obviously he's not just going to be on his own; he'll have to have his full security detail in tow, and every property that he visits will have to be swept for explosives and so on in advance. The bill for this is going to be astronomical. And who's going to be covering all of his other public engagements during this time?
  • Unless Cinderella has particularly oddly-shaped feet, there's a very high likelihood that Prince Charming will encounter someone that the shoe fits within the first dozen or so houses that he tries. In fact there's a strong chance that he'll end up hooking up with some random woman who was never at the party in the first place.
  • Given that he's basing the entire future direction of the monarchy on getting this right, Prince Charming needs something a bit more definitive than a simple slipper test. I would suggest that Cinderella needs to undergo several hours of cross-examination while hooked up to a lie detector, to prove that she can give a convincing account of the night's events. Also, as a bare minimum, a DNA swab from the glass slipper needs to match a blood sample.


I imagine that King Charming and Queen Charming would have a lot to say about their son's reckless approach to all of this, much of it unprintable.

Ellie x

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Laugh Sideways

(I'd have done that on the Cinderella post too, but Allie beat me to it 😉 )

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Noble Member     Ft Worth, Texas, United States of America
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@finallyfiona  see what I mean, you and Ellie have the merry go round on fast forward, I just now saw this thread. Hummm I do have a dress resembling her ball gown, maybe my next character.

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@ellyd22 Oh, Ellie, while you make some good points, I think you're being a little bit harsh. First off, I don't recall Cinerella going shoe shopping, seeing those adorable glass slippers, and saying, "I'll take those."  When your fairy godmother gives you a gift, you say "Thank you," not "Do they come in plexiglass or even better, clear acrylic?"

(Of course, I always wondered why she was wearing slippers to a ball; I never wore my slippers outside.)

Perhaps Cinderella was confused because of Summer Time/Daylight Saving time. Maybe she thought she had an extra hour?

And Prince Charming? If you said deoxyribonucleic acid to him, it would mean about as much as saying Bibbity Bobbity Boo. These stories (and versions of them are quite old) existed long before anyone know what DNA is. Saying he should swab the shoe for DNA is about as useful as saying they should have checked the footage on the security tapes (which is really digital storage anyway) and ran it through a makeover app on his mobile/cell phone to see if it could be the same person, or use google image search to find her. These things just didn't exist when the story was written, so I can't put blame on him for not using modern technology.

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Well, I blame it all on the fairy godmother - she should never have skipped the project planning module when getting her godmothering degree.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Wait ... what? You can get a degree in Fairy Godmothering?

*Starts checking to see if this is available through the Open University*

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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You have to submit your application to Dept. 9 3/4 at the main OU office in Milton Keynes.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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*Takes out notebook and writes this down carefully*

I think I know it.

There's a little sign on the side of Walton Hall. You walk through the wall to a railway platform on the other side. Then there's a steam train that takes you to Department 9 3/4, where you hand your application directly to the GOD (Godmother On Duty). Is that right?

Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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Yes, that's the one. There will be various modules to pass, notably you will be subject to the "Heels Of Glass Walking And Running Training System", but with sufficient prior practice you should have no problems.

I don't think they have upgraded it to include the Plexiglass option yet. Initial tests with Plexiglass (the HOPWARTS version of the trainer) just produced a rather poor quality beer. Rumour has it that Cinderella's godmother became rather too fond of it, hence the dodgy advice to poor Cinders.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@fembecky this sounded fine until you mentioned Milton Keynes. Do you have to go there?


Baroness Annual
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Noble Member     Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
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Well, I believe MK is the home of the Open University. However today is a drab day for me - I'm off to see my son and family in Buckingham which is close to MK. My grandson wants to show me some of his projects (possibly based on Steve Spangler's book which Ellie recommended to me). @ellyd22 they do have a new garden shed 😀 !

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@fembecky I had to google Steve Spangler. That  sounds like great fun. My brother is a scientist and I think his career started from a chemistry set when he was about 9.

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Rebecca ... back away from the shed.

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Estimable Member     Dallas, Texas, United States of America
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@ellyd22 I agree with your first point. However, I believe Prince Charming had a foot fetish and spent most of the dance time staring at Cinderella's feet, so he knew exactly what her feet looked like. When going around searching, he was actually looking for the right feet and he took the glass slipper either as an excuse (so people wouldn't know about his fetish) or as a redundancy check. I think this would explain why he couldn't just recognize her from her face, and the need to check all the women's feet.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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This is a VERY interesting (and also slightly disturbing) take on things. I love it.

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Estimable Member     Dallas, Texas, United States of America
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@ellyd22 Haha! I would always wonder why he didn't just recognize her from her face. If he fell in love with her, presumably he would have known what she looked like. But this makes sense now. 🙂

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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It actually makes PERFECT sense.


If I can interest Disney in a rewrite I'll split the profits with you.


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Estimable Member     Dallas, Texas, United States of America
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@ellyd22 Haha! You're on! I have a very vivid imagination and my therapist thinks I'm very creative. Maybe this can be my new "Creative hobby", although I've never been a good writer.

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Perhaps you need to start 'reimagining' some other fairy tales ...

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@gil Absolutely! Heels cost good money.

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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Then again just maybe the prince wanted to know where she got her shoes, and who made that dress for her. Maybe he wanted a nice outfit like Cinderella. Fairy Godmother must have done a great job putting the outfit together. Even myself has wanted to ask a lady where she got her shoes. Then why stop there and ask about the whole outfit. Maybe if you're as picky as me. LOL

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Some of those Cinderella dresses ARE very nice, but I'd probably wear Doc Martens under mine and forget about those uncomfortable glass slippers entirely.

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@ellyd22 As a young lady said to me. You want comfort, or you want style. She was just being honest.

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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@gil I love heels! I was told recwntly that I walk very well in heels. That was on fairly rough pavement too

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I can run in heels and I can run in stockinged feet.  But I cannot run wearing one heel only!  So the choice would have been to kick off the second shoe or put the first one back on. But to loose one heel could be considered a misfortune, to loose two would be down right irresponsible (sorry to be mixing up stories).  

So my natural unconditioned reflex would have been to put on the shoe that had, despite being a perfect fit, fallen off.  Heels are too important for Cinderella to have behaved so cavalierly…this is proof that she was only a make believe character!

Me thinks it is time to go and buy some more heels.



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Honorable Member     Queensland, Australia
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I know what logic tells us. Cinderella should have stopped to put her shoe back on. However isn't that like in the horror stories we often think do not look under the bed. My point is when we are scared at being discovered and have to think in an instant under massive stress,  we often do not think logical. It's also often true that unless in the same situation we think we know what we would do, however do we really know, possibly not. 

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Trusted Member     West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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When Marilyn Monroe had her shoes made she had one heel slightly shorter than the other to give her that "wiggle"

Anyway would you really say to your fairy Godmother "I am NOT wearing those!"

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@missmel definitely would not tell fairy godmother I'm not wearing those. I'd say what dress goes with them!


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