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For sure if I was Cinderella I would have stopped to pick up my shoe after it came off. My heels are a large part of my outfits. Anyone else think the same way?
I can run in heels and I can run in stockinged feet. But I cannot run wearing one heel only! So the choice would have been to kick off the second shoe or put the first one back on. But to loose one heel could be considered a misfortune, to loose two would be down right irresponsible (sorry to be mixing up stories).
So my natural unconditioned reflex would have been to put on the shoe that had, despite being a perfect fit, fallen off. Heels are too important for Cinderella to have behaved so cavalierly…this is proof that she was only a make believe character!
Me thinks it is time to go and buy some more heels.
I know what logic tells us. Cinderella should have stopped to put her shoe back on. However isn't that like in the horror stories we often think do not look under the bed. My point is when we are scared at being discovered and have to think in an instant under massive stress, we often do not think logical. It's also often true that unless in the same situation we think we know what we would do, however do we really know, possibly not.
When Marilyn Monroe had her shoes made she had one heel slightly shorter than the other to give her that "wiggle"
Anyway would you really say to your fairy Godmother "I am NOT wearing those!"