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I thought it might be interesting to share stories of close calls - times when your cross dressing was almost discovered by an SO, family member, friend, colleague, etc. Although I am out to my wife, it is very much DADT. So I remain fastidious about hiding the evidence, so she doesn't have to ask and I don't have to tell.
I'll start this thread with a few quick stories of my own:
1) Just last night, my wife went out for a few hours and I took the opportunity to have a quick Mona session. Thought I had everything cleaned up, until she came out of the bathroom and asked if I was bleeding. Huh? I quickly realized it was the tissues I had used to blot my lipstick and forgot to flush. After stumbling for a few seconds, I told her that yes, I had been bleeding from a small cut on my foot and had used the bathroom tissue as a temporary bandage. "So you're not bleeding internally?" she asked. "No, I'm not." That was the end of it (whew!).
2) Took the family to a baseball game back in the summer. Wearing shorts, I stood up to cheer. My daughter, who remained seated beside me, suddenly asked, "Dad, did you shave your legs?" Again I had to think fast and told her that yes, I did, because I had been cycling quite a bit and that is what all the cool cyclists do. She bought it, because there is in fact some truth in it, and I am in fact an avid cyclist. It is also an excuse used by many CDs, cyclists or not.
Anyway, would love to hear stories from others about their close calls...I'm sure there are tons out there and hopefully good for some laughs.
hi mona - i love these sorts of posts - the near misses and "almost caught" are super fun to read about! 🙂
i just posted this story on another post, so sorry to repeat myself. several years ago, i went out on a date with a man and dressed as jenny for him. the next day at work, out of the blue, some dude asked me why i was wearing eye liner. uh oh! went to bathroom, took a really close look, wiped my eyes again and yep....still had eye liner on. haha
another one that comes to mind, i used to rent a house from this woman landlord who was ALWAYS coming up with maintenance excuses to get into the house. once, i came home from work to learn that yet again, they had been in "my" place. i quickly figured out they had done some work right where i had my stash (wig, pantyhose, lingerie, etc) well hidden. or so i thought. did they find it? possibly 🙂
The eyeliner post reminded me of a time I fell asleep with make up including eyeliner and shadow. I got up in the morning forgetting all about it and went to a luncheon that day. It wasn't until I got home that I realized I had not remove my make up. Fortunately most rubbed off on my pillow, but not all. Oh well! Nobody said anything, and maybe I just looked tired???
Not exactly a close call, but: I'm having a problem with broken/split fingernails, so I started painting them with clear polish. I was surprised to get comments from strangers. Then, I painted my right-hand pinky a pale pink, getting even more comments. And I just did the other nine, because I decided I really don't care what people think. Of course, being long-time retired allows me the freedom I wouldn't otherwise have, and I'm taking full advantage of it.
This just happened to me moments ago...I went to a beach about 25 miles from my house. I love to wear a bikini and walk the shore in a skirt and summer blouse. Now, I have a casual friend who occasionally rides horses on this beach. Time of year and time of day is pretty limited, so I don't think anything of it. I enjoyed my bikini time and was walking back to my motorcycle up a long ramp to the top of the bluff. Here comes a couple of people walking horses. I think what are the odds it's this friend. Apparently pretty good, because it was this friend. I just pulled cap down slightly, kind of turned my head slightly like you see in the movies and strolled nonchalantly by. I have know idea if he recognized me, he certainly didn't shout out my name, bu who knows?
Oh well! I still like wearing bikinis and skirts on the beach.
So a long time ago i was living in a apartmebt where my best friend and his wife where living next apartnent across from me. She came a nocking on my door, i was in full Jenny mode make up and all, i did not answer the door i went and hide in bathroom. She keeped nocking and said i know you are home open up.
So i cleaned up qickly turn on shower wet myself up a bit then wraped in a towel and answered door. She needed something, i told her i did not hear her nocking i was in shower then she asked what was on my side.? What are those marks.... Are those Bra marks where you wearing a BRA?!! No of corse not what are you talking about , then She pointed to them, oh those marks i said it must be from the tub i like to laydown and let water run on me, those marks are from tub decals. She said ok but they look more like bra marks to me.
Of course next day best friend ask about it.... And raged on me about it half joking and half trying to find out truth!
Not even a "close call". Just as we say down here in Oz "sprung bad" as in "caught".
Some months back I was out in full Caty mode needing to get back into my accomodation's car park, but I could not get the card reader to work on the car park roller door.
So out comes the receptionist to open it for me. I just took off my wig, and said", I look a bit different".
She just hot the reader and left. I'm a regular at that place, so probably the whole staff know by now, dont much care if they do!!...
This is not quite a close call! My SO knows about it and doesn’t approve. One night, going to the bathroom I bumped into her, we have separate bedrooms. I was wearing a rather nice satin nighty (lace bodice & side slit). She asked if it was a new one (it wasn’t actually) and I thought she was going to say that it was pretty/feminine/sexy (some hope with the last one!), but no such luck. Oh well. Gilly.
Thanks for all the great stories, girls! I think most near misses are fun to recount in hindsight but not so fun when experienced in real time. And I think that the CD gods allow each of us only so many near misses until the luck finally runs out. Such is the nature of constantly trying to hide the truth, I guess.
In addition to the stories I shared above, I have also been plagued by what I'll call the tyranny of small things. As in physically small items that go missing very easily. For me, these have included fake fingernails and eyelashes, the odd sequin or two, and most recently a clothing tag from a pair of panties. Sometimes I've known immediately that they are missing, resulting in frantic searches of the floor/rug on my hands and knees. In the case of the panty tag, didn't even know it had fallen off until a few days later when I was surprised to see it right there - laying on the bathroom rug in full view.
Fully expect that one day I'll get "busted" but as I said, thankfully I am out to my wife. But under our DADT arrangement, it would still be awkward for me because it would be evidence of the full extent of my dressing, the details of which she prefers not to know.
Hugs to all, Mona
Half the fun is the thrill of getting caught or at least close calls. We wouldn't push the boundaries otherwise.
Ok, here's one from a long time ago when I was young and stupid (now I'm just old and stupid).
This takes a little setting up... I used to travel (by car) quite a lot for work. So to pass away the evenings, I would dress up and take a long drive on the interstate. I would enjoy turning on my dome light and teasing the truckers as they would pass by. Soon after, I installed a CB radio so I could hear what they were saying about me. Eventually, this led to daytime drives on the interstate as well. Of course, never satisfied, I graduated to stopping on little used 2-lane overpasses and got out of the safety of the car to walk back and forth in my skimpy skirt and heels as the cars and trucks would whiz by underneath. My car windows down and the CB volume up so I could still hear the trucker chatter about "the sexy girl on the overpass".
One afternoon, while doing my overpass catwalk somewhere in Perry County Indiana, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and a county sheriff was driving up from behind. Someone must have placed a call that a girl was broken down on the overpass. Needless to say, I scurried back to my car and hopped in. But it was too late, he had parked behind me and was walking up to my car. I couldn't leave, couldn't even take off my wig, so I sat there and waited his arrival. Since all my windows were down, he started to talk as he approached... "is everything alright ma'am?" Then is face dropped when he actually saw me. I said, "everything's fine officer, I was just leaving". He just turned and walked away without saying a word. I drove away and he proceeded to follow me for the next 30 miles, all the way to the county line!
Needless to say, that was my last overpass catwalk.
I've had to go to the hotel front desk twice as Deb. Once to pay for a second night after only booking one night, and didn't want to redo makeup. Another time left my hotel room access cards in the room, and Debra had to ask for another one. No biggie.
Speaking of eyeliner, I read an online article today about the health hazards of using eyeliner. Mostly about not removing it and of sharing it with others.
SO was out shopping so I took the opportunity to bring Michelle out of the box for the afternoon. Must have lost track of time, fortunately I heard the garage door opener and had enough time to run upstairs and turn on the shower and quickly hide the evidence, wig, outfit, panties, etc... If she came through the front door I would have been soooo busted.
Not "close", but almost caught again.
I went to my clinic to have the skin checked on my left "moob", (man boob) for a small dark "mole". Nothing to worry about there..
But just as well it was not my regular GP, as the adhesive marks from having my breast forms on last Sunday night were still there.
He commented on it with "you've been wearing"... and then let it drop.
Sigghhh. One of these days someone will get me "good and proper" ....again... Just like not being able to get into my hotel as per above.