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Hello All, I have only come to a few people in my life but recently I have made several friends that have encouraged me to come out even farther . So one friend who is a crossdresser has invited me to Reno where I will venture into the Public for the very first time. As many of you can imagine I am a nervous wreck and very scared although I want to do this so bad . I ask you ladies to please give me your wisest advice to calm my soul at this a most stressful time. I fear that I will back out and I truly know I can do this, how can I stop feeling this way and enjoy this most wonderful moment that I have waited so long for. Thank you all. Love Coral
Hi Coral!
Don't worry about it! Just go with the flow and stay in the moment. It's really not that bad. It's only clothes! You'll be just fine!
Hi Coral
This is something you want to do, right?
Everyone should do something that terrifies them at least once. It's character building, and leaves a lasting, good impression.
We cross dressers are lucky!
I've been going out in public for 9 months or so now, and it doesn't get any less scary before you do it, but when you're in full flow, you don't want it to end!
It's like acting, which I've done many times.
Except you have no script or captive audience.
Plan your outing - set small missions. Anything you like, or even things you normally do. The mundane becomes the sublime when wearing a dress!
Treat everyone you meet as if they're a friend.
If someone casts an evil look, or says something rude, ignore it.
If they look nicely at you, smile. If they say nice things, thank them - and don't worry about the voice thing!
Love Laura
Hi Coral ! Congratulations of coming out.....happy safe and enjoy your new life.
I bless and joy you sweetie !
Dame Veronica
<p style="--original-color: #333333; --original-background-color: #ffffff;"> Thank you all for your advice I will take it and run or walk, I've never run in heels before. I am sure all of you know the spectrum of feelings that are running through my mind. I think the worst one is being taunted or spoken to badly knowing that I will not be able to handle it as I would in male form and I will have to just be embarrassed and I will probably cry at that point because when I am Coral which is most of the time now I am very sensitive and my feelings are at the top exposed. I have always been this way but as a male I had to be tough and fight the tears back, but now it seems I'm sensitive all the time. I am probably worrying over nothing and will try to put these thoughts away. Thank all you Ladies again. Big Hugs Coral</p>
Always remember that it's your choice to go out. It's great to have friends encouraging you, but if you're not comfortable doing it, then don't. However if you do, then doing it with a friend by your side is the best way. Even I had someone to hold my hand the first time (if only for the first 20 minutes or so 🙂 )
This is excellent advice, excellently put.
Hello Coral; I assume from your post, your friend will be going out with you. She will be there to calm your nerves and fears. The best advice I can offer is this; if you are comfortable with your self fully dressed, OWN IT when you go out. When you present a friendly pleasant smile and confidence, fear will disappear rather quickly. I hope your first public outing is enjoyable and you member it forever and that you have many more in the future.
Thank you all for your kind words and support, as the big day draws near I feel more confident than I thought I would be at this point. The advice and love that you kind ladies have shown to me has given me some much needed strength. I am feeling pretty good about going out as me, heck I should be able to live my life as I see fit. I am not hurting anyone and do not tell anyone how to live theirs. I know I still have to wait for the right time to explain all this to my daughter but this should help me get used to the idea myself. I am so thankful that I have found someone that is willing to help me do this, it has been an awful long time in the making. I know their are a lot of us older girls out there like me that haven't done this yet, well I will represent us with dignity and style befitting a real Southern Belle. Ladies I thank you all again and will tell all upon my return. Love Coral