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Yesterday, I posted about the confidence pendulum, where I get occasional lacks of confidence.
Today, I was determined to banish this lack of confidence.
I got up, showered and shaved. I spent longer than usual putting on my face. I took extra effort on my hair. I then put on an outfit that I think I look good in, and gives me confidence. I looked in the mirror. Confidence started rising. I looked good! I felt good!
I put on my lovely fur lined coat with fur collar. This is a great coat. One I love wearing. Confidence rising.
Rather than take the car into town, I caught the bus!!!!. It was a very busy bus. Nowhere to hide. I took a seat next to a woman.
By the time I got into town, my confidence was back to it's usual spot. I'm Cerys. I'm a crossdresser. Like it or lump it!
I went into a shop to by my wife's christmas card. I found a great one. Normally, for just one Item, I would self scan, but this time I joined the queue for the cashier. My turn came. I handed over the card with "To my wife" emblazoned across it to the cashier. She scanned it, I paid. She didn't comment about me buying a wife card! From there I went for a coffee. I had a chat with the barista as he was preparing my coffee. He never once smirked or looked at me in any negative way.
From there, I visited a friend who runs one of the christmas market stalls. He commented on how good I looked. Better than normal. His words were it was "like I was going out for a night on the town". He complimented me on my make up and hair.... He never does this. He usually takes the p*** 🙂
Confidence pegging the meter!
Time to go home. Again, I caught the bus. This bus was rammed!!!!. A lady moved her bag so I could next to her. I thanked her, and we started chatting. Chatting like two people chat. Not necessarily like two women chat, but we were chatting. She said nothing negative. She got off the bus a stop before mine. We wished each other happy christmas.
I got ff the bus. The confidence meter was shaking with stress. The needle was bending!
I popped into the corner shop where the bus stop is. I bought a few things. This a new shop with new owners. I've not been in there before. I asked the guy behind the till where I could fnd something. I went and got it. I asked him how the shop was doing, and welcomed him to the street (The shop is at the end of my street). Nothing negative said.
The confidence meter just blew itself off the wall!!!!!
I'm home now! Really happy to be back to my old self. The pendulum is well and truly back where it used to be!!!!!
What causes these wobbles in anyone's guess. Reading the replies to my earlier post, I can see that I'm not alone! I guess the pendulum will swing back one day. I'll just have to ride it out when it does.
Really happy for you, sounds like you had a great time.
Alexis Grace
Oh yes the meter... I began reading your post and my elation meter started going up!! Your success had my soul getting increasingly happy as I kept reading. With your words, I saw the whole day. I'm so much longing that I could do this. Thank you very much. It is vicarious living for me, and you have jolted my mood way high, and added a few more little pieces to the foundation, the confidence, and the backstop of my progress as a woman.
What an inspiring post Cerys I do wish I had your confidence to show Lizzy off to the world.
And that's how to banish those demons in style Cerys. Keep glam and carry on...
My wife hasn't mentioned Becca for a few days now and I'm not sure Becca is welcome at the moment so I've dialled it back a bit. However, after reading your post and the fact that my wife is at work tomorrow, I think I'll just dress and go out to try to get some of my own confidence back too.
Good to hear you had a lovely day, and I trust, many more to come.
It's great that you've managed to get out. It really does boost your confidence, and mood ! I was out today.. put on a very smart (for me) outfit just to feel good. In amongst the Christmas shopping crowds. No one cared. All too busy getting in with what they were doing. Met a friend guy coffee. Chatted for a few hours. Walked home. A very nice few hours out. It did meet the world of good. There's a pic off my attire in my public photos.