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hi girls! today I want to discuss body language and how it affects you and your onlookers. this is quite a difficult subject, so bear with me.
most of us, if not all have observed body language in some shape or form, be it in male form or female form. most of us also will have reacted to it in some way, maybe subconsciously or knowingly. but what is it?
its how you represent yourself to other people, mostly without thinking about it. we have all seen the shaking fist in anger, to the way a girl sits cross legged whilst talking to someone. how do you show yourself to the world? do you walk with your arms folded ( a sign of not wanting to expose your body too much), do you sit cross legged with your leg pointed towards the person you are talking to ( a sign you feel comfortable or like the other persons company). come on girls! think about this one! what body language do you think you display when going out or meeting someone? is it with your knowledge or do you just find yourself doing it automatically? this is a tough one to answer! looking forward to your replies! xxxxx
fiona xxx
Hi Fiona. Your article is one I address from time to time. The best thing to do is to study females in various parts of town. This will give you a diverse info pool to imitate. You don't want to stand out...you want to blend in. Example....never go to McDonalds in an evening gown...you will get attention. Don't go to the opera in grubs. Women always look directly into the eyes of their date...men do not. Eat salads and white wine even though you'd like a steak. If you smoke...Virginia Slims...not cigars or players. Do try not to hunt and peck on cell phones....it is rude. I know....lots of them do. Do cast your eyes around you at what others ar wearing or doing but don't stare. Napkins in lap not on table. You see.....there are a hell of a lot of little nuances to really passing. There are lots of books on Amazon Kindle on these little foibles called decorum and class. I am decended from Royalty and I was trained in all these things. I could go on for hours. By the way, if you meet a high flyer...always curtsey, not shake hands.
Hope this gets you started....LOL.
Dame Veronica
OH...PS.....don't worry about walking like a fashion model...almost all women don't do that....just Drag Queens and Fashionistas.
Dame Veronica
Hi Fiona,
Good topic! I know that I have definitely had a change in how I move and gesture. I use my hands more when I talk now, cross my legs or ankles more. And I do try to cross my legs towards a person who I may be conversing with. Some of it is conscious, some not. I do feel more expressive than before and that is saying something. I do try to pay more attention to how the women around me talk and gesture when we are in conversation.
Hi Ladies,
I walk a bit more femme when in hybrid mode, and my mannerism is a bit more femme as well. It's all a part of the dressing I feel, and I was definitely showing this a few times when in the City a couple of weekends ago. If I were wearing heels and a wig and or makeup, would have been full on. Was in hybrid mode as it was, and it felt good!